Chillin' with Lovespirals #53

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More Lovespirals madness including our camping recap, writing and recording new songs, our concert-filled weekend with the Outernational Tour and Melodyguild, Lovespiralsgasms radio show and live chat, Lovely Ladies of Ryan Lum podcast, Lovespirals on Coverville #474 podcast, playing World of Warcraft, Lovespirals competing in the Stereofame Soundtrack Contest, Anji collaborating with The Grooveblaster, and more! View a few of our camping pix on Anji Bee’s Flickr account.

Lovespirals Play WOW
Ryanthepapa and Anjibee in World of Warcraft
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Chillin’ with Lovespirals is brought to you in part by GoDaddy. Check out our 3 money saving GoDaddy Promo Codes for your next domain name and web hosting purchases at GoDaddy.


Vote for Lovespirals on StereoFame Movie Soundtrack Contest

People often tell us our music would be great in a movie soundtrack. Well, here’s your chance to help us achieve that dream! Music site, StereoFame, is holding a contest for artists to have a song included on the soundtrack of the upcoming film, Like Dandelion Dust, with full screen credits plus attendance at the film’s premier here is Los Angeles. Lovespirals have been on many cable and television shows, but we have yet to make it into a Hollywood film. Maybe this could be the first? Help us reach our goal by voting for Lovespirals on the StereoFame Movie Soundtrack Contest. Simply search for “Lovespirals” in the handy contestant search tool. Voters also have a chance to win travel and hotel accommodations to attend the film premier – bonus!

Lovespirals were featured front page this week on Stereofame

Lovespirals on Coverville #474: Indie Hodgepodge

This week’s “indie edition” of the award-winning Coverville podcast includes Lovespirals’ rendition of Pink Floyd’s “Welcome to the Machine.” This track was recorded in 2006 for a fan-created tribute compilation called NPF Tribute Vol. 2: The Return of the Sons of Neptune available as a free download from the Neptune Pink Floyd site. While you’re there, you can also grab our cover of “Cymbaline” from the NPF Tribute Vol. 1: None of Us is Pink. Thanks to Brian for featuring Lovespirals for the 3rd time on his great show! We really enjoyed the selections this episode, so be sure to check out Coverville #474 for a good time.

Download Coverville #474: Indie Hodgepodge (MP3)

Lovespirals Guest DJ on Auralgasms Radio


Ryan and Anji of Lovespirals will guest DJ the “Yourgasms” show for Auralgasms Radio on Monday, June 30th, 2008. The band will present an hour long set of song by Lovespirals, Love Spirals Downwards, and recent projects by past and present band vocalists Suzanne Perry (Melodyguild), Jennifer Ryan Wilde (Liquid State), and Anji Bee (Chandeen). The band will premier a very special Soul Whirling Somewhere remix produced for Lovespirals’ upcoming This Truth EP featuring remixes from their recent PLP Remix Contest. Tune in via iTunes, WinAmp, Real Audio Player, or Windows Media Player. The Lovespiralsgasms show will air LIVE from 10 to 11 pm EST. Ryan and Anji will also be on hand for a live chat in the Auralgams Chatroom.

Chillin' with Lovespirals #52

Chillin with Lovespirals logo[audio:]

Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #52 MP3

The band return after a month’s hiatus to catch you up with all the latest news! Ryan uses the MAudio Virtual String Machine on Lovespirals’ latest songs, Anji contributes to the CC Asia Band project headed up by MoShang, Soul Whirling Somewhere completes his remix of “This Truth”, emails from Kambronn and Pomatic (check out his new Paul Van Dyk remix), free Lovespirals song streams on Muxtape and LastFM, camping getaway, drunk domain name buying, and more. The show closes with a clip of “Crossing the Pond” by Snoblind and Anji Bee plus other CABACA guest musicians.

Show Sponsor:
Chillin’ with Lovespirals is brought to you in part by GoDaddy. Check out our 3 money saving GoDaddy promo codes for your next domain name and web hosting purchases at GoDaddy.


Fan Discovers Lovespirals via MoShang via Second Life

Second Arts Blog

Its always interesting to find out how fans discover our music and sometimes the connections are surprising. A recent post on Second Arts blog details Morris Vig’s musical journey, courtesy of Second Life. Apparently a chance MoShang performance in SL lead to the discovery of Lovespirals (via MoShang’s remix of “Motherless Child,” no doubt), as well as The Chillcast with Anji Bee, which has long been a strong supporter of MoShang. Even more fun is that MoShang was Vig’s gateway into the chillout music scene. May we be the first to say, “Welcome!”

Chillin' with Lovespirals #51: Remix Contest Top 10!

At long last the band have settled on the winner and runner-up of the PLP Remix Contest for This Truth! We know that 60 some producers have been anxiously awaiting our decision since April 1st, and we’re sorry to have kept them on pins and needles, but we needed time to sort through and really listen to all of the entries. There were quite a few really good mixes — more than we even dreamed we’d get! We decided the best, most fun way to announce our faves would be with a podcast, sharing the music and our thoughts on the tracks. We hope that both the contest entrants and our podcast listeners will enjoy it. The remixes are presented in no particular order, except for the winner and runner-up; the runner-up is presented first and the winner is presented last. The grand prize is an 8 gig iPod Touch, a year’s subscription to the PLP Producers’ Vault, and all 3 Lovespirals CDs autographed by the band, plus inclusion on an upcoming remix EP and promotion via the Podsafe Music Network and other online music services.Thanks so much to all of the producers for their hard work and especially to DJ Puzzle of Peace Love Productions and SynthVox for throwing the contest for us!


Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #51 MP3

Lovespirals Fave Remixes:

  1. This Truth (Kambronn Remix) – Runner Up | Podsafe Music Network
  2. This Truth (hEADaCHE Remix)
  3. This Truth (The Grooveblaster Remix)
  4. This Truth (DonOesterby Remix)
  5. This Truth (Damien.S Remix)
  6. This Truth (Lthrboots Rmx)
  7. This Truth (TT&Yosh Remix)
  8. This Truth (4udi0phil3 Remix)
  9. This Truth (Soul Whirling Somewhere Remix) * not an official entry
  10. This Truth (Pomatic Remix) – Grand Prize Winner | Podsafe Music Network

Chillin’ with Lovespirals is brought to you in part by GoDaddy. Check out our 3 money saving GoDaddy promo codes for your next domain name and web hosting purchases at GoDaddy.

Chillin' with Lovespirals #50

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Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #50 MP3

The band get a lil bit political and serious for a change of pace on our 50th episode. Topics include taxes and the need for a good accountant, Wired article interview on Tax Day, eMOM, iProng Magazine interview, supporting TibetAid, Lovespirals remix contest ending, building in WordPress 2.5, and Hungry Lucy on Chillcast Video. Plus we share a clip of our latest song, “Let it Shine.” You can still vote for Anji on Pod 5 Idol today!

Chillin’ with Lovespirals is brought to you in part by GoDaddy. Check out our money saving GoDaddy promo codes or this site of more GoDaddy promo codes


iProng Magazine Lovespirals Artist Feature

The April 2nd “100% Podsafe” issue of iProng Magazine features an interview with Anji discussing Lovespirals, going podsafe, getting into podcasting, music licensing, live performance vs studio recording, and much more. Also included this issue is a great article on eMusic vs Amazon downloads, interviews with fellow podsafe artists Geoff Smith and Natalie Gelman, and an article with Rich Robinson of the Black Crowes, who released their new single to the Podsafe Music Network. By the way, you can check out tons of Lovespirals tracks on the PMN for use on podcasts, internet radio, Second Life DJ sets, and more!

Here’s an excerpt from the interview from iProng Magazine 4/2008:

April 2, 2008: 100% PodSafe Edition, iProng Magazine Artist Feature

For someone who isn’t familiar with Lovespirals, how would you describe it to them?

We write and record all of our music together in our own home studio. As such, our music has a very intimate feel. Our sound doesn’t follow any particular genre model, instead, we play what we feel at the moment. We tend towards very melodic, bittersweet, and dreamy music that focuses on beautiful vocal harmonies and soulful guitar work, with liberal sprinklings of electric piano.

There’s always been a sort of tug of war in Lovespirals between jazzy electronica and folky rock. Each of our releases have come upon a different solution to this tension between the modern and vintage sides of our musical personalities. One the one hand, we both love the old vinyl albums we grew up with as kids, but on the other, we’re drawn to contemporary music and production techniques. The interesting thing about this is that while the casual listener assumes a song like “Caught in the Groove” from Long Way From Home was recorded with a full band, in actuality Ryan programmed the drums using a keyboard controller and samples, the piano is recorded with midi, and the guitars and bass were performed one track at a time in ProTools. The thing is, just because we’re using computer based recording techniques doesn’t mean our music has to sound like it was made with a computer, you know?

Continue reading iProng Magazine Lovespirals Artist Feature

Interview with Anji Bee in iProng Magazine

The April 2nd “100% Podsafe” issue of iProng Magazine features an interview with Anji discussing Lovespirals, going podsafe, getting into podcasting, music licensing, live performance vs studio recording, and much more. Also included this issue is a great article on eMusic vs Amazon downloads, interviews with fellow podsafe artists Geoff Smith and Natalie Gelman, and an article with Rich Robinson of the Black Crowes, who released their new single to the Podsafe Music Network. By the way, you can check out tons of Lovespirals tracks on the PMN for use on podcasts, internet radio, Second Life DJ sets, and more!

Lovespirals Remix Contest Ends April 1st!

Lovespirals Remix Contest

Only a few days remain to enter the Peace Love Productions Lovespirals Remix Contest! All entries are due in by April 1st for consideration to win an iPod Touch, a year’s subscription to the PLP Producer’s Vault, all 3 Lovespirals’ CDs – personally autographed by Anji Bee and Ryan Lum – and inclusion on a Lovespirals remix digital EP and CD. Many cool remixes have been submitted, but there’s still room for more entries. The top 5 remixes will be featured on Lovespirals Podsafe Music Network remix page and considered for inclusion on a digital-only “This Truth” remix EP, and the runner-up remix will also receive all 3 Lovespirals’ CDs, personally autographed by the band. This is a great way for remix producers to get some exposure through podcasts and cross-promotion, so come join the fun!

Download the Lovespirals remix contest promo mp3 for your podcast or radio show!

Listen to the remix contest promo:

Listen to the original mix of “This Truth:

Ethereal Chillout Music