Tag Archives: Pink Floyd

Chillin' with Lovespirals #58

Chillin with Lovespirals logo[audio:http://media.podshow.com/media/3839/episodes/126047/chillinwithlovespirals-126047-09-17-2008_pshow_267419.mp3]

Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #58 MP3

Lovespirals announce their brand new digital-only release, This Truth EP, now on iTunes+, Amazon, and Last.FM. The duo discuss their halt on recording, potentially playing live with Shine and Mr. Meeble, the iTunes 8 Genius function, Anji being “obsessive compulsive” with playlists, Pandora‘s troubles with the Copyright Royalty Board, Blip.FM and it’s similarities to Twitter, being #1 on Below Zero, their Drunk Rockers pix, an encounter with Long Beach City Mayor, Bob Foster, and their thoughts on the recent death of Pink Floyd keyboardist and founding member, Richard Wright. The show closes out with Lovespirals’ cover of Pink Floyd’s 1969 song, “Cymbaline.” You can grab this recording free from the NPF tribute CD: None of Us is Pink. You can buy the original version of the song from the lovely More soundtrack album. BTW, it was mentioned that “Great Gig in the Sky” was originally conceived for the Zabriskie Point Soundtrack, but it turns out that it was actually “Us and Them” Anji was thinking of — another amazing song from Dark Side of the Moon. Read the WikiPedia article on Zabriskie Point film.

Download remixes for podcast or radio at Lovespirals’ Podsafe Music Network Remix Page.

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Chillin’ with Lovespirals is brought to you in part by GoDaddy. Check out our 3 money saving GoDaddy Promo Codes for your next domain name and web hosting purchases at GoDaddy.


Lovespirals on Coverville #474: Indie Hodgepodge

This week’s “indie edition” of the award-winning Coverville podcast includes Lovespirals’ rendition of Pink Floyd’s “Welcome to the Machine.” This track was recorded in 2006 for a fan-created tribute compilation called NPF Tribute Vol. 2: The Return of the Sons of Neptune available as a free download from the Neptune Pink Floyd site. While you’re there, you can also grab our cover of “Cymbaline” from the NPF Tribute Vol. 1: None of Us is Pink. Thanks to Brian for featuring Lovespirals for the 3rd time on his great show! We really enjoyed the selections this episode, so be sure to check out Coverville #474 for a good time.

Download Coverville #474: Indie Hodgepodge (MP3)

Chillin' with Lovespirals #44

Chillin with Lovespirals logo[audio:http://media.podshow.com/media/3839/episodes/85759/chillinwithlovespirals-85759-11-01-2007_pshow_199646.mp3]

Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #44 MP3

Ryan and Anji chat about seeing Neil Young perform and discuss how he’s inspired the band, talk about the official release of Long Way From Home – including being on the newly launched iTunes+, share a few fan emails and listener reviews from Amazon, iTunes, and LastFM, announce other sites selling or promoting the new album, including CDBaby, iLike, Virb, and iMeem, talk about their first performance in Second Life on PodShow Island, announce the Love Spirals Downwards reissues, and more. The show closes with “This Truth” live and acoustic!

Lovespirals Second Life Show
Ryan “Lumley” and Anji “Riel” performing in Second Life on 10/23/2007

Lovespirals on Coverville #228: Covers on a Plane

This week’s episode of the 2005 People’s Choice award-winning Coverville podcast includes Lovespirals’ rendition of Pink Floyd’s “Cymbaline” from last year’s NPF tribute release, None of Us is Pink. This collection of covers is available as a free download from the Neptune Pink Floyd site. Thanks to Brian for featuring us on this fun podcast!

Download Coverville #228: Covers on a Plane MP3

Chillin' with Lovespirals Episode 19

Anji and Ryan go on a rant about illegal Russian download sites, complain about the Amazon Advantage Program, answer fan email, share recent band news, ask the listeners for a favor, and play a recent Lovespirals cover of Pink Floyd’s “Welcome to the Machine.”

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New Floyd Song Complete

We recently finished our recording of the Pink Floyd cover song Anji had mentioned a few posts back. It came out great. It’s for a compilation, but we’re thinking about including on our soon to be released album since we haven’t finished mastering it yet. We did have the song order all set, so we’ll have to play around with it and see where “Cymbaline” fits in best with the overall flow of the songs. We did cover a song on our previous album, so why not again?