Tag Archives: Lovespirals

"This Truth" Charts on Podsafe Top 10


Download PMC Top 10: 10-07-07 Mp3

Lovespirals’ second podsafe single from the new album, “This Truth,” charted at #8 on this week’s Podsafe Music Countdown Top Ten. Host, Chris Doelle, says some very nice things about the album, as well. Podcasters, be sure to report your plays on the Podsafe Music Network and IODA Promonet to help support Lovespirals!

Lovespirals Feature on PodShow Radio

lovespirals 2007Lovespirals are the featured artist on this week’s PodShow Radio. Host, Brent Bradley, presents 43 minutes of podsafe Lovespirals tunes selected from all 3 albums, including their brand new single, “This Truth,” from Long Way From Home. The band also give a little background on why and how they recorded a cover of “Motherless Child.” It’s a very smooth production you won’t want to miss!


Download PodShow Radio Lovespirals Feature Mp3

Lovespirals to Attend New Media Expo

The band will be attending the New Media Expo in Ontario this weekend. I am accepting a People’s Choice Podcast Award for my work as a co-host of the all-girl PodShow podcaster talk show, ShowGirls, on Friday at 4pm in Expo Hall B. Lovespirals will be attending the RumorGirls/ExtremePods party tonight, which PodShow founder Adam Curry is apparently attending specifically to get a hug from me… Pix later?

Ryan and I will have copies of Long Way From Home with us, which we will be more than happy to autograph and sell for the low-low expo price of just $10! So please, come on up and say “Hi!”

Preorder Lovespirals' New CD to Get Free Digital EP

preorder special
Lovespirals are offering their upcoming Motherless Child EP – featuring remixes by Karmacoda, Hungry Lucy, MoShang, Beauty’s Confusion, The Glowering Eyes, and Ryan of Lovespirals – with preorders of their 3rd album, Long Way From Home. While the official release date is schedule for October 23rd, the band have pledged to send out personally autographed copies of the new CD as soon as they become available. The remix EP, however, is an immediate digital download with every order placed through the Lovespirals Webstore.


Listen to an 8 min medley of Long Way From Home (128 mp3)

Chillin’ with Lovespirals 40: The Big Four Oh

Our podcast has hit the big 4-0! Update on the new Lovespirals album progress, our New Media Expo 2007 plans – including a ShowGirls meet ‘n’ greet and Lovespirals unplugged performance, review of the B.B. King show at Hollywood Bowl, John Mayer boosted our stats, Chillcast #80 RSS problem and stat anomaly, band email, Love Spirals Downwards reissue update, “Motherless Child” Remix EP news — including a clip from the brand new Chris Caulder (of Beauty’s Confusion) remix! 

New Lovespirals on Projekt 200 comp

Projekt 200 “Empty Universe” from Lovespirals’ upcoming CD, Long Way From Home and “Write in Water” from the upcoming remastered reissue of Love Spirals DownwardsArdor are included on the boxed set compilation, Projekt 200. A celebration of the 200th release for Projekt, the 3 era 3 CD set includes 32 songs from the label’s 24 year history. This limited edition collection will be available in stores Sept 25th, but you can buy it at projekt.com now.

Lovespirals on MoShang's new release

Asian Variations MoShang just released a full length remix compilation entitled, Asian Variations, as a free Creative Commons download via asianvariations.com. The 14 track collection includes his remix of Lovespirals’ new single, “Motherless Child,” from their upcoming October 2007 album. You can also stream or download his remix from myspace.com/anjibee or myspace.com/lovespirals, and podcasters can add it to their playlists via Lovespirals’ Podsafe Music Network Page. Plans are underway to release a digital only EP of “Motherless Child” remixes, so watch for news at lovespirals.com!


Listen to “Motherless Child (MoShang’s No Place Like Home Mix)”

"Motherless Child (Hungry Lucy Mix)" on MySpace

Motherless Child Hungry Lucy RemixThere’s a new song streaming in our Lovespirals MySpace player. It’s the brand spanking new Hungry Lucy remix of our “Motherless Child.” 4 bands were invited to remix our rendition of this classic anonymous blues song, including Hungry Lucy, Karmacoda, MoShang, and Beauty’s Confusion. We hope to release a digital single on iTunes with all 4 remixes, plus a special Lovespirals remix, sometime over the next 2 months. Stay tuned to lovespirals.com for more details! Photo by Gregory Aune.

Chillin’ with Lovespirals 38: Pump It Up

Lots of Lovespirals news including mastering Long Way From Home with Robert Rich, photo sessions results, voting for The Chillcast with Anji Bee on PodcastAwards July 28th – Aug 11th, launch of the Anji Bee Music Store, New Media Expo 2007, Ryan’s birthday on July 31st, an LA Times story about the SoundExchange controversy, fan emails, social media sites Pownce, Ziki, Ning, Facebook, MySpace, and more – plus we share the a clip of the Karmacoda Mix of “Motherless Child”. Happy Birthday to Sean Bowley!

Lovespirals' new album is mastered!

Anji and I spent this past weekend mastering our upcoming album, Long Way From Home, with Robert Rich in his studio in Mountain View, California. In addition to all the great locally grown food and wine we were treated to and the fun time we had hanging with Robert, the mastering came out really well. I mean really well. I can’t believe how nice it all sounds. This is quite exciting as mastering for me in the past has been primarily about trying to deal with audio deficiencies that were in my original mixes. I guess I’ve gotten better over the years, as there were very few such issues. Instead, Robert was able to focus on perfecting the sound, which he did an amazing job of. Thank you Robert (if you happen to read this)!

Ryan Lum & Robert Rich Anji Bee & Robert Rich

Chillin’ with Lovespirals 37: Gloss & Polish

Sorry for the month long lapse, but Lovespirals have been crazy busy preparing to release the new album! Ryan and Anji talk about that album progress, as well as our upcoming mastering session with Robert Rich, photo sessions, and cover art design, plus the Lovespirals CoverCast on Student Loan Radio, Anji’s recent work with Moosefrog, Pownce VS Twitter, the SoundExchange controversy, Creative Commons, The Chillcast with Anji Bee on PodcastAwards, starting up a band email list, and more — plus we share the Hungry Lucy Mix of “Motherless Child” in it’s entirety!

Lovespirals Guest Host Student Loan Radio

Ryan and I guest hosted Christopher Penn’s Student Loan Radio CoverCast #2 this weekend, and no — we didn’t talk about financial aid! The band were given the opportunity to share recordings of songs written by John Denver, America, and Pink Floyd, due to Financial Aid Podcast‘s recent acquisition of an ASCAP/BMI podcasting license. Woo hoo! Check it out, and if you enjoy it, please go comment on Chris’s blog to let him know![audio:http://cache.libsyn.com/financialaidpodcast/20070708.mp3]

Download Student Loan Radio CoverCast with Lovespirals