Tag Archives: Lovespirals

Shameless Plugcast Features Lovespirals


Download Lovespirals’ Shameless Plugcast MP3

Zack Daggy interviews Ryan Lum and Anji Bee of Lovespirals about their band history, musical process, brand new album, Long Way From Home, and more in a Shameless Plugcast feature. Included in the show are two podsafe Lovespirals songs. Zack’s also running an autographed CD contest – see shamelessplugcast.com for details!

Anji Bee Hosts RockMe. Session on Me.dium

On Wednesday Nov. 7th, Anji will host a Lovespirals RockMe. Session on Me.dium, taking users on a tour of various band assets online in this unique social browsing platform. Come chat and interact with Anji and fans of the band in this first-of-its-kind online music event beginning at 1pm PST. For more info, see the PR Newswire press release.

Anji Bee says “hello” to Me.dium users for her RockMe session

Chillin' with Lovespirals #44

Chillin with Lovespirals logo[audio:http://media.podshow.com/media/3839/episodes/85759/chillinwithlovespirals-85759-11-01-2007_pshow_199646.mp3]

Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #44 MP3

Ryan and Anji chat about seeing Neil Young perform and discuss how he’s inspired the band, talk about the official release of Long Way From Home – including being on the newly launched iTunes+, share a few fan emails and listener reviews from Amazon, iTunes, and LastFM, announce other sites selling or promoting the new album, including CDBaby, iLike, Virb, and iMeem, talk about their first performance in Second Life on PodShow Island, announce the Love Spirals Downwards reissues, and more. The show closes with “This Truth” live and acoustic!

Lovespirals Second Life Show
Ryan “Lumley” and Anji “Riel” performing in Second Life on 10/23/2007

Lovespirals “Walk Away” live in Second Life

A video of us performing “Walk Away” at our SecondLife concert was uploaded onto YouTube. In case you missed it, now you can see what this unique experience was like. PodShow Island features a waterway complete with laughing porpoises, so you’ll hear them pipe up occasionally throughout our set, lol. It’s too bad the avatars watching the concerts don’t make audible clapping sounds, too! Anyway, we had a great time sharing our music with both the listeners in-game and online via the audio livestream. Thanks again to the folks who hosted us!

Lovespirals perform “Walk Away” in a Second Life concert on 10/27/2007

'Long Way From Home' on iTunes+ and Amazon Mp3

Lovespirals’ brand new 3rd album is now available for sale on iTunes+ and Amazon Mp3. Both of these new digital services offer music in 256k no DRM format for just 99 cents per track. Now you can download Lovespirals’ music in wonderful high fidelity with the ability to listen on any device you own, hassle free! Amazon also offers ‘Long Way From Home’ in CD format, as does CDBaby, and the Lovespirals Webstore.

New Lovespirals Track on Accident Hash Podcast

Lovespirals are featured on the Best Podsafe Music Podcast award-winning show, Accident Hash! CC Chapman plays his favorite track from Long Way From Home, the album opener “Caught in the Groove.” He also announces our Second Life show tomorrow night, which Accident Hash is co-presenting, despite the fact that CC will be attending Podcamp Boston. Listen to the clip featuring us above, or go listen to the full show via PodShow!

Lovespirals' "Long Way From Home" Released Today

Thank you to everybody who pre-ordered the new CD. Today we officially release Lovespirals’ third album, Long Way From Home. So if you haven’t ordered it yet, now is the time do to so from our webstore – and get the “Motherless Child” remix EP digital download FREE!

And just a reminder that we’ll be appearing at a listening party for the new album in Second Life on the PodShow Island Podcast Premier Stage this evening at 7pm PST (also Second Life time). See you there!

Chillin’ with Lovespirals 43: Back from Humboldt

Ryan & Anji are back in town and preparing for the official release of Long Way From Home TOMORROW! The band reflect on their travels through Humboldt County, updates on the new CD on Amazon MP3 , Amazon Advantage, Last FM, iLike, and Garageband. Plus they announce the two big Second Life events going on THIS WEEK on PodShow Island in SecondLife including a CD listening party and a live performance. They also read listener email and close out the show with the Fave Nitemare remix of “This Truth.”


Buy Long Way From Home on CD & Digital and get an immediate digital download as well from Bandcamp

Get the Motherless Child EP in your choice of digital download from Bandcamp

Continue reading Chillin’ with Lovespirals 43: Back from Humboldt

Lovespirals Album Release Events in Second Life

Lovespirals in SL

There will be two Second Life events going on next week on PodShow/SoHo Island for the official release of Lovespirals’ Long Way From Home CD. First is a listening party for both the new album and the Motherless Child EP on Tuesday, October 23rd at 7pm SLT. Then, on Saturday, October 27th, Lovespirals will perform for the first time in Second Life, also at 7 pm SLT on PodShow/SoHo Island. Ryan “Lumley” and Anji “Riel” will play an acoustic set of songs from all 3 of their albums. If you haven’t yet joined Second Life, now would be the time to do it! Lovespirals live events are few and far between…

Lovespirals listening party

Lovespirals New Album on Amazon Mp3

Lovespirals’ brand new album is available for download on the new Amazon Mp3 store. Individual songs are offered for 99 cents, or you can buy the whole album for $8.99. Files are encoded as 256 kbps mp3 files, as opposed to the 128 kbps AAC files of iTunes, and are DRM free. Check out Long Way From Home on Amazon mp3. If you prefer, you can order the physical CD of Long Way From Home on Amazon.com for $13.98 + shipping.