Tag Archives: Lovespirals

Smile – Lyrics

I been having a hard time lately

If I’m honest it’s been quite awhile

But I keep it mostly to myself, yeah

I just nod and smile

My smile may be pretty but it’s

All filled with lies

And you if look closely, see it

Doesn’t reach my eyes

Ha ahh ahh oh ooh smile

Hoo ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh smile

I been really going thru it lately

I wasn’t honest, I was in denial

Should’ve asked for help but instead

I just nod and smile

My smile may be pretty but it’s

All filled with lies

And you if look closely, see it

Doesn’t reach my eyes





Ha ahh ahh oh ooh smile

Hoo ooh ooh hoo ooh ooh ooh

— by Anji Bee (BMI)

Released March 4, 2022
on Smile – Single

Back From Our San Francisco Trip

Once again, we had a blast with Karmacoda! It was an honor for Anji to share the stage with them for their epic remix of “Motherless Child,” and fun for Ryan to do a DJ set for the Harlot crowd. A few of the songs for the upcoming Anji Bee album were shared for the first time, which was exciting. Local friends came out to hang. Good times!

Lovespirals’ Ryan and Anji at Club Harlot

Anji Bee Interview on MusicTap

Matt Rowe of MusicTap recently interviewed Anji Bee for a feature on the newly revamped music site. The piece goes into some depth about Anji’s thoughts on the current state of music while looking into the origins of her Chillcuts Digital label, the creation of her new The Chillcast with Anji Bee: 5 Years of Chillin’ compilation, and how she selects music for her weekly podcast, The Chillcast with Anji Bee.

Here’s an excerpt from the interview:

Quality Time With Anji Bee of Lovespirals and Chillcast

Anji, what prompted you to put together Chillcuts over five years ago?
After a decade of being signed to Projekt Records, Ryan and I wanted to try releasing music independently for a change. The whole reason our debut album, Windblown Kiss, was released on Projekt was simply that Ryan still owed an album on his contract. I figured I had enough experience with online music distribution and promotion to handle a small record label, having done so much of that type of work for ‘Temporal‘ and ‘Windblown Kiss‘. I basically launched Chillcuts to release our second album, ‘Free & Easy.’ Ryan’s experience in building the back-end of websites helped me to create expensive websites on the cheap, while my experience in the visual arts and background in social media and promotions helped to drive sales. Oddly enough, it seems this first release is our most popular, which may speak to how much effort we put into making Chillcuts succeed right out of the gate.

Music has gone through so many changes over the decades.  Do you feel that this generation of music provides enough in styles to help those caught in a decade of preference?
First of all, what people need to realize is that there is a whole world of music that is not being played on the radio or TV. I get all the music I can handle and then some strictly from the Internet. And the variety of music available on the Internet is more vast that you can even imagine. It’s truly staggering how much great music is out there when you start searching for it.

What do you look for in a band that sends music across your desk?  What do you listen for?
The music needs to strike certain chords for me; I want to feel it in my gut. It could be a tear jerking lyric/vocal, or it could be a booty-shaking bassline/groove. It could be a gorgeous melody played on keyboard or guitar, or an amazing vocal harmony. It could simply be a really sweet string pad or a sitar hook — who knows? But I think there’s generally an element of authenticity in expression that I’m seeking. That’s what is wholly missing in the pop music industry. I want to feel what the artist was feeling when they were creating the song. I need to be drawn into that little world and feel immersed in it. Hearing a really sincere song is a bit like falling in love for me. Obviously not every song on the show can have that strong of an impact on me, but the more of them I can find and string together for a set, the better the show is.

Continue reading Anji Bee Interview on MusicTap

Anji Bee Releases Holiday Single

“Happy Holidays” is the first all-original holiday song released by Lovespirals vocalist/lyricist, Anji Bee. Co-written with Lovespirals partner, Ryan Lum, “Happy Holidays” is a deceptively bittersweet pop nugget filled with heartugging disco-infused violins, funky bass and wah-wah guitar, with a relaxed house beat and a hint of cool wintry nights wafting through. Bee’s warm, enveloping vocals pleasantly recall Tracey Thorn (of Everything But The Girl) and Karen Carpenter with their laid back yet passionate delivery and personal holiday message.

Podcasters and Internet Radio DJs are free to include “Happy Holidays” in their shows. Check out Anji Bee on Mevio’s Music Alley (AKAPodsafe Music Network.)

Download “Happy Holidays” from the following digital stores:

Feel the Love with a New Lovespirals EP

The first single from Lovespirals’ fourth album, Future Past, to get the full remix treatment is “Love” – an atmospheric drum ‘n’ bass tune that recalls some of the duo’s earliest work together. A half dozen producers from  different musical schools of thought set Anji Bee‘s poppy yet ethereal vocals to completely new musical scores. From angular drum ‘n’ bass, to lush downtempo, to atmospheric ambient music, this moody collection covers a lot of sonic ground. And Anji’s Chillcast listeners should be familiar with most — if not all — of the contributing producers which includes: Chill Factor-5, 7 Day Visa, Divasonic, Soul Whirling Somewhere, Xurba and Falling You (who, btw, created the only mix which contains Ryan Lum‘s original guitar solo.)

Remixes by Chill Factor-5 and & Day Visa are available as a FREE DOWNLOAD from LastFM (mark you favorite remixes with “Love This Track”) and SoundCloud. Both sites have built-in social media tools that allow you to easily repost links to emails, Twitter, Facebook, and other services with the “Share” pull down menus, so be sure to tell a friend!

Purchase the full EP or individual tracks from iTunes, Amazon Mp3, CDbaby, eMusic, Rhapsody, or Bandcamp

Podcasters, DJs, Internet DJs, and music bloggers are all encouraged to share these tunes with their audiences, as well. If you’re feeling the love, please write a review of the Love EP as Lovespirals would really appreciate you giving them a little love in return.

Stream or Purchase the Love EP:

The Love EP artwork was created by ithinkitsnice and we think its nice, too!

Chillin' with Lovespirals #77

Anji and Ryan are back after a 2 month hiatus with lots of news and stories. Lovespirals updated their recording studio ever so slightly with a 2nd vintage PCM 70 reverb unit and two new audio sampler packs which the duo have been using in their work on an upcoming Anji Bee “solo” album. The band go into a lot of detail as to the whys and whats of that project, and share a clip of their new version of “Love Me Leave Me” at the show’s close. The duo also talk about several recent Anji Bee musical collaborations, the new Love EP due out soon, adding more music to Lovespirals’ bandcamp store, taking part in the upcoming Karmacoda gig at Harlot on July 9th, and meeting Autumn Reeser at this month’s Thrilling Adventure Hour at Largo.


Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #77 (mp3)

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Save 20% on 1, 2 and 3 year hosting packages by using my GoDaddy Promo Code Chill20H1 at GoDaddy.com. Looking for even more Godaddy codes? Check out this GoDaddy Promo Code List for 2010.

Follow Lovespirals Online:

Retro Vintage Dress

Anji dressed up for the Thrilling Adventure Hour show


Ryan dressed up for the Thrilling Adventure Hour show

Chillcast Lovespirals Feature

The Chillcast with Anji Bee podcast is hosting a special one-hour interview feature with Lovespirals this week. Ryan and Anji sat down in her podcast studio to discuss their brand new 4th album, Future Past, and give her listeners an overview of the band’s decade-long history. The band chat about their writing and recording process including our musical influences, album concepts, and the various stories surrounding our songs and albums as they listen to every track from Future Past and a few songs from their past 3 albums. If you haven’t checked out Anji’s weekly music show before, now would be the perfect time!

Download Chillcast Lovespirals Feature (mp3)


  1. “Shine” Future Past (2010) Lovespirals - Future Past - Shine
  2. “Home” Future Past (2010) Lovespirals - Future Past - Home
  3. “This Truth” Long Way From Home (2002) Lovespirals - Long Way from Home - This Truth
  4. “Oh So Long” Windblown Kiss (2005) Lovespirals - Windblown Kiss - Oh So Long
  5. “Hand in Hand” Free & Easy (2007) Lovespirals - Free & Easy - Hand In Hand
  6. “Love” Future Past (2010) Lovespirals - Future Past - Love
  7. “Water Under the Bridge” Future Past (2010) Lovespirals - Future Past - Water Under the Bridge
  8. “Meanwhile, Irreplaceable Time Flees” Future Past (2010) Lovespirals - Future Past - Meanwhile, Irreplaceable Time Flees
  9. “Insignificant” Future Past (2010) Lovespirals - Future Past - Insignificant
  10. “Feel So Good” Future Past (2010) Lovespirals - Future Past - Feel So Good
  11. “Rain” Future Past (2010) Lovespirals - Future Past - Rain
  12. “One of Those Days” Future Past (2010) Lovespirals - Future Past - One of Those Days
  13. “Sinking” Future Past (2010) Lovespirals - Future Past - Sinking
  14. “Believe” Future Past (2010) Lovespirals - Future Past - Believe

Lovespirals - Future Past (2010)
Lovespirals Future Past (2010)

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  • Budget: Get $30 off all weekly rentals or $10 off other time periods at Budget Car Rentals by visiting budget.com/chill

Chillin’ with Lovespirals #62

Lovespirals finally take a moment for the first band podcast of the year! Anji starts it off with a quick overview of the past month, including seeing the band’s good pal, CC Chapman, get interviewed by CNN during the Presidential Inauguration — go CC! Then the band get into the nitty gritty of recent events like the latest neighbor noise torments and the big So Cal rainstorm, plus hating on Grammys, announcing the official release date and chart news of the Damien.S VS Lovespirals remix EP of “This Truth” on Loverush Digital (DMC is currently listing “This Truth” at #2 on the World Trance Chart!!!), rediscovering Atmospheric Drum & Bass (see: Blu Mar Ten and Below Zero), writing and recording songs for the new album, more cable & TV placements, pimping the new Lovespirals Twitter account, discussing how using a cute picture of a girl will get you more friends on Twitter, getting excited over the new Dalai Lama Twitter account (which was suspended at time of posting…), seeing BB King in concert, buying tickets for Robert Cray and The Dead, pimping the Lovespirals Facebook Page, and being confused if people communicate with us via site comment, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace or email (Bente DID comment at the blog, btw!). The show closes out with a clip of “This Truth (Adam Fielding Chilled Out Mix)” which you can hear in full on The Chillcast #150 over at www.anjibee.com.


Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #62 MP3

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Chillin’ with Lovespirals is brought to you in part by GoDaddy. Check out our 3 money saving GoDaddy Promo Codes for your next domain name and web hosting purchases at GoDaddy.


Chillin' with Lovespirals #61

At the behest of Robert Fischer, Ryan and Anji sat down for a rather long wrap up show for the end of 2008. Lovespirals discuss their use of Twitter, Ryan’s continued tone quest including the Red Witch Deluxe Moon Phaser, Fulltone Mini Deja and Voo Doo Lab Micro Vibe pedals, the Nash Guitar “Do Not Play” list, favorite Will Ferrell films, Anji liking Paul Rudd, David Lynch,reliced guitars (see Jonathan Wilson AKA Greenwich Village Custom Guitars, see John Mayer’s Fender Custom Shop guitar), the persuit of perfection, their love of BB King and Robert Cray‘s tone, working on a new song (“Feel So Good”) with old lyrics, airplay of “This Truth” remixes by Damien.S and The Grooveblaster, the new Anji Bee Ringtone Set on MacMost, a recent Chandeen interview on Michael Floyd’s site, and more.


Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #61 MP3

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Show Sponsor:

Chillin’ with Lovespirals is brought to you in part by GoDaddy. Check out our 3 money saving GoDaddy Promo Codes for your next domain name and web hosting purchases at GoDaddy.


Chillin' with Lovespirals #60

Chillin with Lovespirals logo[audio:http://media.podshow.com/media/3839/episodes/134234/chillinwithlovespirals-134234-11-25-2008_pshow_278324.mp3]

Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #60 MP3

Ryan and Anji get you caught up on the latest Lovespirals goings-on with topics that include Obama’s win, the quest for Tone, using Griffin iTalk to record song demos on the iPhone, recording a new Lovespirals album, Loverush Digital releasing a new set of This Truth remixes in December, Anji working with The Grooveblaster, our feature on the Music for Midnight podcast, a listener question via Seesmic from CocteauBoy, Lovespirals on Twitter and Blip.FM, Blip.FM’s policy change, and more. Plus the band share the working demo of their latest song in progress, “Future Past,” in it’s entirety. Other folks/things mentioned in this episode are Armin Van Buuren, KCRW, Hungry Lucy, Ed’s Mixed Bag, Speljamr, and CC Chapman.

Ryan @ Tone Merchants

Ryan checks out the pedal selection at Tone Merchants

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Show Sponsor:

Chillin’ with Lovespirals is brought to you in part by GoDaddy. Check out our 3 money saving GoDaddy Promo Codes for your next domain name and web hosting purchases at GoDaddy.


Chillin' with Lovespirals #59

Chillin with Lovespirals logo[audio:http://m.podshow.com/media/3839/episodes/131052/chillinwithlovespirals-131052-10-30-2008.mp3]

Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #59 MP3

Ryan and Anji chat about El Dia de los Muertos, being excited to vote for Barack Obama at the upcoming the presidental election, contributing to the Rhythms in Black Satin “Get Out and Vote!” collabocast, high tech camping on Catalina with Ryan’s jailbroke first gen iPhone, and V-Moda Vibe Duo headphones, writing and recording for a new Lovespirals album, shopping at Tone Merchants (we called them Tone Vendor, which is an online music store who carries some Lovespirals album – oops!), the T Rex Replica delay pedal, Guitar Center being too loud, Damien.S VS Lovespirals coming out soon on Loverush Digital with remixes by Adam Fielding and Avatar One, Anji being a gues on the new album by The Grooveblaster, voting for The Chillcast with Anji Bee as the Best Podsafe Music Podcast at podcastawards.com, and using blip.fm to help promote your music utlizing the additional functionality of Twitter and Amazon Digital. The show closes with “Summer Days (ft. Anji Bee)” by The Grooveblaster from Cities, Streets, and Bebop Nights in full! This track is available to podcasters via Anji Bee’s Podsafe Music Network page.

Show Sponsor:

Chillin’ with Lovespirals is brought to you in part by GoDaddy. Check out our 3 money saving GoDaddy Promo Codes for your next domain name and web hosting purchases at GoDaddy.


Music for Midnight Lovespirals Feature

Austin Beeman graciously invited band vocalist, Anji Bee, to guest host a special episode of his new chillout music podcast. Music For Midnight Episode #13 is a spotlight on Lovespirals, and in particular, the many remixes of Lovespirals found on the Podsafe Music Network. Anji comments between tracks about how the various remixes came into being and how the band feel about remixes of their music. Austin closes out the show with his personal favorite remix, the awesome Karmacoda Remix of “Motherless Child.” Download show mp3 from iTunes