Joe of caught a few shots of Ryan and Anji hanging out at Club Violaine for the big 5th Year Anniversary party featuring Ryan and Rebecca Coseboom’s Los Angeles debut as Stripmall Architecture. (The duo are best known as Halou…)
It was a really great show and it was good to catch up with friends, including Eric Shied, plus formers members of The Von Trapps Nick Marshall, Rodney Rodriguez, and Matt Gleason. Rodney and Matt both played with Melodyguild for a time, and Matt is featured on the Aitu release..
You can see the full set of photos from the show in the DrunkRockers Violaine Archive.

And if you missed this show but live in the San Fran area, you can still catch the R/R Coseboom performance at the IXMAE Supper Club coming up on September 11th.