Tag Archives: anji bee

Lovespiralsgasms: Ryan & Anji Host Auralgasms Radio

auralgasms radioIn case you didn’t hear the band’s 1 hour guest spot on Auralgasms Radio last night, don’t cry! While you did miss out on a fun chat session in the Auralgasms chatroom with Lovespirals at least you can hear a pristine archival copy of the show. Ryan and Anji chat between each song, giving not only track information, but a little insight into the music and musicians involved. The show seemed to be a big hit last night, so hopefully you’ll love it, too! Almost forgot to mention, this was the world premier of the completed SWS remix of “This Truth” – and boy, is it a goodie!!!

  1. “Sundrenched” Lovespirals Long Way From Home (2007)
  2. “Motherless Child (Karmacoda Remix)” Lovespirals Motherless Child EP (2007)
  3. “Walk Away (Bitstream Dream Remix)” Lovespirals Walk Away EP (2004)  Download Free Mp3
  4. “This Truth (Soul Whirling Somewhere Remix) This Truth EP (2008)  — unreleased
  5. “Depression Glass” Love Spirals Downwards Ardor [Remastered Reissue] (2007)
  6. “Unraveling” Liquid State Late Bloom (2008)
  7. “Accomplice” Melodyguild Aitu EP (2008)
  8. “An Angel, Ameliorate” Falling You (feat. Suzanne Perry) Human (2006)
  9. “Tomorrow [Hidden Track following “Dreaming a Thousand Dreams]” Chandeen (feat. Anji Bee) Teenage Poetry (2008)
  10. “Lazy Love Days” Lovespirals Long Way From Home (2007)

Thanks to Mikey for setting up this fun show and to everyone who tuned in and came by to chat – especially Riki and CocteauBoy! Music provided by the Podsafe Music Network, Projekt Records, and the bands themselves.

Download Lovespiralsgasms Radio Show (mp3)

Chillin' with Lovespirals #53

Chillin with Lovespirals logo[audio:http://m.podshow.com/media/3839/episodes/116806/chillinwithlovespirals-116806-06-26-2008.mp3]

Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #53 MP3

More Lovespirals madness including our camping recap, writing and recording new songs, our concert-filled weekend with the Outernational Tour and Melodyguild, Lovespiralsgasms radio show and live chat, Lovely Ladies of Ryan Lum podcast, Lovespirals on Coverville #474 podcast, playing World of Warcraft, Lovespirals competing in the Stereofame Soundtrack Contest, Anji collaborating with The Grooveblaster, and more! View a few of our camping pix on Anji Bee’s Flickr account.

Lovespirals Play WOW
Ryanthepapa and Anjibee in World of Warcraft
Show Sponsor:
Chillin’ with Lovespirals is brought to you in part by GoDaddy. Check out our 3 money saving GoDaddy Promo Codes for your next domain name and web hosting purchases at GoDaddy.


Interview with Anji Bee in iProng Magazine

The April 2nd “100% Podsafe” issue of iProng Magazine features an interview with Anji discussing Lovespirals, going podsafe, getting into podcasting, music licensing, live performance vs studio recording, and much more. Also included this issue is a great article on eMusic vs Amazon downloads, interviews with fellow podsafe artists Geoff Smith and Natalie Gelman, and an article with Rich Robinson of the Black Crowes, who released their new single to the Podsafe Music Network. By the way, you can check out tons of Lovespirals tracks on the PMN for use on podcasts, internet radio, Second Life DJ sets, and more!

Anji Bee Interview on Podfinder UK

Mini Interview with The Chillcast’s Anji Bee

Anji Bee is the soft, sultry, sexy voice of the Chillcast, and one half of the Lovespirals.

When & why did you begin podcasting?

I used to be a college DJ, hosting several music shows and working in station management for 3 years. After I left, I discovered online radio. I started a Live365 station back in January 2000. Eventually I produced some half hour interview features, such as one with Hungry Lucy in May 2005. Garageband had just begun their free podcast service, so I uploaded it there, too. I followed up with a feature on Lovespirals, and then decided it was high time I did a podcast proper.

My first podcast was Chillin’ with Lovespirals, which launched in early June 2005. The idea was that a podcast would be the perfect way to share information and music from our upcoming new album, Free & Easy. I had already been sharing audio interviews online on sites like Mp3.com and SoundClick for years, so I knew our fans enjoyed hearing us discuss our music. I had a hard time, though, convincing my partner, Ryan Lum, that it was a good idea because there weren’t any band podcasts out there yet and he was worried about our bandwidth. Our first episodes were fairly short because of the bandwidth issue.

Continue reading Anji Bee Interview on Podfinder UK

Chillin' with Lovespirals #49

Chillin with Lovespirals logo[audio:http://m.podshow.com/media/3839/episodes/104745/chillinwithlovespirals-104745-03-19-2008.mp3]

Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #49 MP3

Ryan and Anji return with stories about their new Logic Studio setup vs their old Pro Tools 24 setup, writing and recording new music, entries to Lovespirals PLP Remix Contest, Dig! on DVD, Ariel PR takes on our Motherless Child EP, joining thesixtyone.com, Anji competing in the Pod 5 Idol competition, Lovespirals on Pod 5, the MP3 Taser Holster, seeing Robert Rich live at the Goethe Institute, Anji’s recent Chillcast specials; NIU Support Collabocast and St. Paddy’s Day Chillout Mix. The show ends with “This Truth (donOesterby Mix)” – the full song, not just a clip. Enjoy!


Chillin’ with Lovespirals is brought to you in part by GoDaddy. Use our money saving GoDaddy promo codes for your next domain name and web hosting purchases at GoDaddy.

Anji Bee featured on Behind the Monitor

Woman Behind the Monitor (and the Mic): Anji Bee

“The Sexiest Voice in Podcasting” Anji Bee of the Chillcast talks about the show and her double life as both podcaster and musician.

TREVOR: How did the Chillcast get its start?

ANJI: I guess you could say The Chillcast got its start with college radio DJ’ing. After 3 years of doing various shows and working in management at a college radio station, I was pretty well hooked. Then I discovered Internet radio, and started creating both live and prerecorded Internet radio content – including interviews with indie bands like Hungry Lucy and Sunburn in Cyprus. Eventually podcasts were invented, and I put 2 and 2 together. Podcasting was better than radio because listeners could tune in whenever was most convenient for them – which seemed really revolutionary! My first podcast was actually Chillin’ with Lovespirals, which Ryan and I launched to help promote our 2nd album, Free & Easy. Shortly after, I started getting permissions from indie band friends to create a weekly music show podcast – because you have to understand that at this time the podsafe music movement was barely getting started! Adam Curry had just begun his Podsafe Music Network — which is actually how he and I met and became friends, when Lovespirals joined the site. Adam played us on the Daily Source Code, and then we started talking back and forth on his podcast about Creative Commons vs BMI and all those kinds of things. To make a long story a bit shorter, I put together a few fledgling episodes of The Chillcast, hosting them on the Internet Archive site and C.C. Chapman, who was really active with PodShow at the time, pitched the show to Adam and PodShow management, and I was signed as one of the first group of podcasters to the new PodShow Podcast Network.

Continue reading Anji Bee featured on Behind the Monitor

"This Truth (Live)" #1 on Podsafe Music Network Chart

Podsafe Music NetworkLovespirals’ live acoustic version of “This Truth” from their recent Second Life concert ranks as the #1 most played song of the month on the Podsafe Music Network Acoustic Top 10. Historically, Lovespirals have ruled the PMN Downtempo Top 10, where “Love Survives” from Lovespirals’ 2005 CD, Free and Easy, still holds the #1 position for most played song of all-time, followed by “Walk Away (Bitstream Dream Remix)” in the #2 position, and “Ecstatic (Podsafe Edit)” the #7 spot. Anji Bee’s 2004 collaboration with Bitstream Dream, “Phantasma,” holds the #3 position. Podcasters can find these and other podsafe Lovespirals songs at lovespirals.com/podsafe and lovespirals.com/podsaferemix. Please be sure to report your podcast plays to the Podsafe Music Network to help Lovespirals rise in the charts!

Anji Bee of Lovespirals interviewed on Bite Size Bonus podcast

Bite Size BonusLovespirals vocalist/lyricist, Anji Bee, was interviewed by GD about the band’s new album, performing in Second Life, and more on Bite Size Episode #509. To hear this podcast, you must sign up for a free subscription to the BsB Members Only Podcast. BTW, GD holds the honor of being the UK’s first podcaster, and he has long been a supporter of Lovespirals podsafe music.

Chillin' with Lovespirals: Live in Second Life

In this special episode, we present our Second Life acoustic performance from Oct. 27th. This was recorded directly from the mixer so there’s no ambient sounds like the water — or the laughing fish that resides near the stage we played. If you have no idea what I’m taking about, check out the video capture of “Walk Away” on YouTube. This is the first live set in support of Long Way From Home, and the first Lovespirals Second Life performance. By the way, the folks from PodShow Island said we had 760 listeners on their audio streams in addition to the full house watching in-game, pretty crazy! We hope you enjoy this stripped down set.

UPDATE: In addition to the live listeners, this episode has now had over 15,000 downloads/streams!

Setlist :

  1. “Our Nights” from Windblown Kiss (2002)
  2. “Walk Away” from Free & Easy (2005)
  3. “Treading the Water” from Long Way From Home (2007)
  4. “Empty Universe” from Long Way From Home (2007)
  5. “Abide” from Free & Easy (2005)
  6. “Lazy Love Days” from Long Way From Home (2007)
  7. “Caught in the Groove” from Long Way From Home (2007)
  8. “Once in a Blue Moon” from Long Way From Home (2007)
  9. “This Truth” from Long Way From Home (2007)
  10. “Motherless Child” from Long Way From Home (2007)


Buy CDs from lovespirals.com — personally autographed by Ryan & Anji!


Shameless Plugcast Features Lovespirals


Download Lovespirals’ Shameless Plugcast MP3

Zack Daggy interviews Ryan Lum and Anji Bee of Lovespirals about their band history, musical process, brand new album, Long Way From Home, and more in a Shameless Plugcast feature. Included in the show are two podsafe Lovespirals songs. Zack’s also running an autographed CD contest – see shamelessplugcast.com for details!

Anji Bee Hosts RockMe. Session on Me.dium

On Wednesday Nov. 7th, Anji will host a Lovespirals RockMe. Session on Me.dium, taking users on a tour of various band assets online in this unique social browsing platform. Come chat and interact with Anji and fans of the band in this first-of-its-kind online music event beginning at 1pm PST. For more info, see the PR Newswire press release.

Anji Bee says “hello” to Me.dium users for her RockMe session

Chillin' with Lovespirals #44

Chillin with Lovespirals logo[audio:http://media.podshow.com/media/3839/episodes/85759/chillinwithlovespirals-85759-11-01-2007_pshow_199646.mp3]

Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #44 MP3

Ryan and Anji chat about seeing Neil Young perform and discuss how he’s inspired the band, talk about the official release of Long Way From Home – including being on the newly launched iTunes+, share a few fan emails and listener reviews from Amazon, iTunes, and LastFM, announce other sites selling or promoting the new album, including CDBaby, iLike, Virb, and iMeem, talk about their first performance in Second Life on PodShow Island, announce the Love Spirals Downwards reissues, and more. The show closes with “This Truth” live and acoustic!

Lovespirals Second Life Show
Ryan “Lumley” and Anji “Riel” performing in Second Life on 10/23/2007