A positive review of our debut full-length album has appeared in Chain DLK, ” your #1 source for electronic, industrial, ambient & dark experiments music.” It reads, in part:
With the new group, new influences have come through, with a strong jazz element. To think of it, this is like Billy Holiday with better vocals and more of a mood! “Oh So Long” starts off with a sensual horn section and Anji Bee’s masterful ethereal vocals, which go for mood and emotion, not a high pitch like a lot of ethereal vocalists. She reminds me alot of the girl from Portishead a bit, but softer. As good as Suzanne Perry was, Anji Bee has her matched. The rest of the album flows with a very controlled calm, very laid back and sensual. A welcome shift of direction, and should please fans of both jazz, ethereal, and emotional folk music. And if you’re looking for that CD for you and your lover to listen to under some candlelight, this is it!Very recommended.
9/10 KlingKlangBedlam
Read the full review here.