Chillin' with Lovespirals #79

After a 2 month hiatus, Ryan and Anji are back with a new episode detailing all the latest and greatest Lovespirals news. The duo chat about their rejuvenating Catalina Island camping trip and the sunset video for “Insignificant” that resulted from their getaway, getting excited about the Lakers’ new season starting, working on music for the upcoming debut Anji Bee album, Ryan’s discovery of the Airwindows audio plug-ins, musical collaborations with Karmacoda (and Beth Hirsch), a Sony Acid Planet remix contest, and more. Check out Anji Bee’s Catalina camping trip blog to view videos and photos from our trip. Read more about the Lomography Diana F+ Camera that the band brought camping. See our post about the sunset video set to “Insignificant” for more details on that. Read Anji Bee’s full questionaire for NPR’s Hey Ladies: Being a Woman Musician Today and see her quote in the NPR piece, Pop Star Pomp, Real World Circumstance. The show closes out with a clip of the brand new recording of “Perfect Boy”.

Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #79 (mp3)

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Diana F+ Medium Format Camera Photo Gallery:
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NPR Article Quotes Anji Bee

National Public Radio is in the midst of a radio series called, “Hey Ladies: Being A Musician Today,” using research gathered from questionnaires answered by hundreds of women working as musicians and/or vocalists today. Additionally, they are publishing solid articles on their music blog, The Record: Music News from NPR. In the latest installment, “Pop Star Pomp, Real World Circumstance“, writer Frankie Kelly includes a quote by Anji:

But some say they’re annoyed by what they see as attention-grabbing antics. Do pop stars’ constructions (be they costumes or stage sets) put pressure on less well-funded women musicians to be outrageous, to get more naked or cross more lines just to get noticed?

Anji Bee, Lovespirals: From my perspective, the most important thing is to develop a strong internet presence that includes quality audio, video, and photos. The more professional you come across, the more likely people are to take you seriously. I personally wouldn’t rely on gimmicks to get attention, but that seems to be working out for Lady Gaga, so who am I to say anything against it?

For the record, the question she was answering was: “What advice would you give to a woman musician just starting out?” You can read all of Anji’s responses to the NPR Hey Ladies questionnaire.

This is a great series which includes many fantastic female artists so we highly recommend you check it out!

Feel the Love with a New Lovespirals EP

The first single from Lovespirals’ fourth album, Future Past, to get the full remix treatment is “Love” – an atmospheric drum ‘n’ bass tune that recalls some of the duo’s earliest work together. A half dozen producers from  different musical schools of thought set Anji Bee‘s poppy yet ethereal vocals to completely new musical scores. From angular drum ‘n’ bass, to lush downtempo, to atmospheric ambient music, this moody collection covers a lot of sonic ground. And Anji’s Chillcast listeners should be familiar with most — if not all — of the contributing producers which includes: Chill Factor-5, 7 Day Visa, Divasonic, Soul Whirling Somewhere, Xurba and Falling You (who, btw, created the only mix which contains Ryan Lum‘s original guitar solo.)

Remixes by Chill Factor-5 and & Day Visa are available as a FREE DOWNLOAD from LastFM (mark you favorite remixes with “Love This Track”) and SoundCloud. Both sites have built-in social media tools that allow you to easily repost links to emails, Twitter, Facebook, and other services with the “Share” pull down menus, so be sure to tell a friend!

Purchase the full EP or individual tracks from iTunes, Amazon Mp3, CDbaby, eMusic, Rhapsody, or Bandcamp

Podcasters, DJs, Internet DJs, and music bloggers are all encouraged to share these tunes with their audiences, as well. If you’re feeling the love, please write a review of the Love EP as Lovespirals would really appreciate you giving them a little love in return.

Stream or Purchase the Love EP:

The Love EP artwork was created by ithinkitsnice and we think its nice, too!

Lovespirals & Karmacoda at Harlot July 9th

Lovespirals will return to San Francisco for what is sure to be another great night at Harlot on July 9th, 2010. Once again, Anji will join Karmacoda for their amazing rendition of “Motherless Child” from Lovespirals’ 2007 Motherless Child EP, as well as backing vocals on one or two of the band’s original songs. Ryan will be doing iPad DJ sets throughout the night, including a special “Anji Bee” set between live performances by Divasonic and Karmacoda to debut several tracks from her upcoming new album. He’s sure to include a track or two from Lovespirals’ brand new Love EP, which includes a remix by Divasonic. Come add yourself to the Harlot Happy Hour Facebook Event page to let the bands know you’ll be there! Thanks to Sean Yamamoto for the pic of Karmacoda with Lovespirals from the last Harlot show we did together.

July 9th, 2010
7 pm to 10 pm No Cover, 21+
46 Minna Street
San Francisco, CA 94118


CD Baby Podcast Features Lovespirals

The CD Baby Music Discovery podcast is currently featuring Lovespirals in their nearly half hour show. Show host and CD Baby editor, Peter Swensen, selected the duo’s upcoming new single, “Love,” from their latest album, Future Past, to highlight. Also included this episode are new songs from former King Crimson guitarist, Trey Gunn,  former Enuff Z’Nuff guitarist, Johnny Monaco, noted Cuban drummer, Dafnis Prieto, and more. You can check out the full shownotes on the podcast blog entry for Music Discovery Podcast 6/15/2010. You can buy “Love” and/or Future Past on CD Baby.

Download Music Discovery Podcast 6/15/10 (mp3)

Chillin' with Lovespirals #77

Anji and Ryan are back after a 2 month hiatus with lots of news and stories. Lovespirals updated their recording studio ever so slightly with a 2nd vintage PCM 70 reverb unit and two new audio sampler packs which the duo have been using in their work on an upcoming Anji Bee “solo” album. The band go into a lot of detail as to the whys and whats of that project, and share a clip of their new version of “Love Me Leave Me” at the show’s close. The duo also talk about several recent Anji Bee musical collaborations, the new Love EP due out soon, adding more music to Lovespirals’ bandcamp store, taking part in the upcoming Karmacoda gig at Harlot on July 9th, and meeting Autumn Reeser at this month’s Thrilling Adventure Hour at Largo.


Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #77 (mp3)

Show Sponsor:

Save 20% on 1, 2 and 3 year hosting packages by using my GoDaddy Promo Code Chill20H1 at Looking for even more Godaddy codes? Check out this GoDaddy Promo Code List for 2010.

Follow Lovespirals Online:

Retro Vintage Dress

Anji dressed up for the Thrilling Adventure Hour show


Ryan dressed up for the Thrilling Adventure Hour show

3 Lovespirals EPs Now On Bandcamp

Lovespirals are now offering more material on their new Bandcamp account, which allows users to purchase music in whichever digital format they prefer for an extremely low price. Fans can now pick up the duo’s very earliest recordings from 1999-2001, collected as the Ecstatic EP, as well as the band’s first-ever set of remixes from the 2004 “Walk Away” remix contest, and the results of the 2008 remix contest for “This Truth.” Bandcamp offers all releases in a variety of formats including 320k MP3, AAC, FLAC,  Ogg Vorbis, and ALAC files. They also allow the buyer to choose their price, so if you think the suggested price is too modest, feel free to “tip” Lovespirals with an extra buck or two. Buy single tracks or full albums, the choice is yours over at!

Listen to tracks from Ecstatic EP, Walk Away EP, and This Truth EP:

Chillin' with Lovespirals #76

What? 2 podcasts in 1 month! Can it be? Ryan and Anji are back with plenty of stories including setting up and testing out the band’s new vocal set up on several musical collaborations and a new side project, attending the recent Air and AM show at Disney Concert Hall, making archival Lovespirals radio interviews and features available on the new Lovespirals Mixcloud account, (apparently) confused fans on the new Love Spirals Downwards Facebook page, chat about the upcoming Beth Hirsh show, plus Ryan shares a really nice fan email from Alex of Corpus Christi, and Anji plays the podsafe AM song, “Darker Days,” from his latest album, Future Sons & Daughters. Be sure to add yourself as a fan on Lovespirals Facebook page or follow Lovespirals on Twitter to keep up with the very latest!


Download Chillin’ with Lovespirals #76 (mp3)

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Here’s our videos of Air performing at Disney Concert Hall:

Recent Pix of or by Lovespirals:
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Lovespirals Audio Features Online

Check out Lovespirals on MixCloud for a great collection of streaming audio interviews, radio features, and DJ mixes from the band’s vault. Included in the set thus far is the first-ever interview with Ryan and Anji by Sean Flinn for the short-lived RadioSpy site from 2000, Lovespirals first in-studio radio interview with DJ Carolee of A Strange Choice of Favorites on KPSU in Portland, OR in 2002, Anji’s first international phone-in interview with Iohann Rashi of Frequencias Alternas on Radio Universidad de Puerto Rico from 2002, as well as parts 1 and 2 of an Anji Bee DJ set for the show Glissando – also on Radio Universidad – from 2002, and another radio interview with Anji Bee from 2002 by Tom Schulte for the Outsight Radio Hours. More audio programs will be added as we locate them, so please check back again later. If you enjoy the shows, be sure to post them to your Twitter, Facebook, Digg, or StumbleUpon accounts via the site’s handy “share” function or  embed the audio directly onto your own sites with their cool widgets, like these:

Lovespirals Guest Host Mothpod

This was mentioned on the last Chillin’ with Lovespirals episode, but in case you missed it Lovespirals were recently special guest hosts on The Mothpod, along with show producer and creator, Zack Daggy. Not only did the band share songs from and answer questions about Future Past, but Ryan and Anji selected 6 songs by other artists for the show. Lovespirals obviously enjoyed chatting with Zack and the audio quality is really great for a live chat. You can check out the full shownotes and such on the official Mothpod Podcast #177 entry or just stream or download the show below. You can also read a fun written interview with Ryan and Anji on Mothpod’s Lovespirals Artist Feature. As part of a full week of Lovespirals love, Zack also selected Future Past as the Mothpod Pick of the Week, featured “Home” on Music Video Wednesday, and presented a video of Lovespirals practicing for their recent Harlot gig in A Day in the Life of Lovespirals. To top it all off, Zack held a contest for a free autographed copy of Future Past. Thanks Zack!

Download Mothpod #177: Lovespirals (mp3)

Chillin' with Lovespirals #75

Rested after a whirlwind week in San Francisco, Ryan and Anji sit down to share their memories of the trip including pre-show practice sessions, the Harlot Happy Hour show – including the return of Lovespirals’ curse of no soundcheck, post-show partying, hanging with Karmacoda in their studios, various media produced from the event, a week of Lovespirals promo going on at the Mothpod site, and attending Experience Hendrix. We close out this 49 min show with the Karmacoda remix of “Motherless Child”.

Chillin’ with Lovespirals is sponsored by GoDaddy. Check out our 5 money saving GoDaddy Promo Codes to save money and support the podcast!


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Lovespirals Live Practice Video

In preparation for the big Lovespirals and Karmacoda Harlot Happy Hour show coming up this Friday in San Francisco, Ryan and Anji have spent a lot of time selecting and arranging a half hour set of songs to perform. Over the weekend the duo tried playing the set using both an acoustic guitar and an electric guitar. The band have done shows either way, and they each have their merits. Anji captured some footage from a few of these practice sessions and put it up on the Lovespirals Facebook Group and Official Lovespirals You Tube Account. Figured we should post it here, as well! Lovespirals haven’t performed live since 2006 – and they haven’t played the San Francisco area since 2002 – so if you’re in the area, you really should come check it out!

Ethereal Chillout Music