Upcoming interview and several new comps

I will be interviewed live on Outsight Cyber Radio Sunday, June 25th, 8pm EST/5pm PST. Please tune in via the internet at his site. Tom will be archiving the interview as a RealAudio file, for those of you who can’t tune in live, so check his site for that! [Ed. note: search for “Ambient electronica group Love Spirals Downwards”]

We’ve been included on several compilation CDs recently released, including:

  • Claire Voyant – Time Again (Accession Records): a remix project CD including Front 242, Haujobb, Trance to the Sun, VNV Nation and many others. Anji and I remixed their track “Bittersweet” in a jazzy, atmospheric drum ‘n’ bass style, featuring sax by our pal, Doron, of Toof. More details are available from Accession.
  • Heartbeats (Mascara): this cool German comp focuses on electronica acts with “tender feelings” such as Moby, Sneaker Pimps, Smith & Mighty, Marc Almond, Nightmares on Wax and more. Flux’s “Psyche,” featuring Kristen Perry on vocals, is the chosen LSD cut.
  • Projekt 100: The Early Years, 1985 to 1995 (Projekt Records): this is a compilation of vintage Projekt band recordings, in celebration of their 100th release. The Love Spirals Downwards track is the 50 Years of Sunshine mix of “Kykeon,” which some fans have lamented having not been included on Temporal. More details are available from Projekt.
  • Darkwave: Music of the Shadows v2 (K-Tel): Projekt Records founder, Sam Rosenthal, helped to compile this collection of darkwave-related bands such as: Cocteau Twins, Lycia, Miranda Sex Garden and more. “Forgo,” from Love Spirals Downwards’ debut album, Idylls, is the first track of the album. More details are available from Projekt.

Upcoming Ryan DJ sets

Still spinning on a regular basis, I have upcoming slots where you can catch me, dropping atmospheric drum ‘n’ bass and downtempo tunes…

  • La Belle Epoque: May 13th, San Francisco The Top DJ Bar, 424 Haight St. (between Webster and Fillmore, 21 and over, $5). I’ll be on from 10pm to midnight. This club is the West Coast mecca for atmospheric drum and bass. I had a most incredible time DJ’ing there last year, and this time will be even better as I look forward to playing some acetates of new unreleased Lovespirals material.
  • Caffeinated: May 20th, Santa Barbara Held by the Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts forum, 653 Paseo Nuevo, Santa Barbara, CA. This multi-media party and art opening goes from 8pm – 2 am, is $10 admission, and open to all ages. Call (805) 966-5373 for more info or visit their site.

DJ Ryan on Love Cat House

On Friday April 14, I’ll be spinning on the very unique “Dinner With a DJ” show, at the infamous Love Cat House. The show goes on at 9pm PST, and continues well into the early morning hours. I believe they archive their shows, so you might check for that later.

For those who’ve never caught one of my sets and are curious as to what they sound like, I’ve put up my mix set from last year, entitled “Atmopshere ’99,” on Live 365, under the Jungle and Dance categories. You can either go to the site or go copy this url [ ] into your Shoutcast Winamp/Soundjam player directly. (You’ll need a connection faster than a 56k modem to listen to it.)

Lovespirals on RadioSpy, Ryan on GuitarGeek

Beginning this Friday, and continuing through the weekend, RadioSpy.com will run a special feature interview with Anji and I. This streaming audio broadcast (in ShoutCast format) will also include selected tracks from our albums and a number of songs by other bands that I consider influential to LSD’s music.

And for kicks, you might want to check out my guitar/music set up on the great fanatical site, GuitarGeek.com.

LSD RadioSpy Interview Feature

March 17, 2000 RadioSpy Interview by Sean Flinn:

“Indie goths gone electronic, LSD’s sound now sketches its past while tracing its future.”

“We’re the first and only for a lot of things on Projekt,” says Ryan Lum, the multi-instrumentalist and driving force behind Love Spirals Downwards, darkwave label Projekt Record’s top-selling act. Lum is sipping on a soda in a RadioSpy conference room and choosing his words carefully. He’s speaking of his band’s use of saxophone riffs on a song from its latest release, Temporal, a career retrospective that includes a number of unreleased tracks. Lum was concerned that Sam Rosenthal, Projekt Record’s sometimes finicky founder, might be less than enthusiastic about the sax track.

“[Rosenthal] actually made a positive comment about the saxophone. He said, ‘You know, it fits somehow,” recounts Anji Bee, Ryan’s self-described “partner-in-crime” and recent collaborator on everything from album art to vocals. Lum’s experimentation — with his sound and with the band’s direction — initially met with grudging acceptance from Rosenthal, who eventually warmed to the band’s new sound.

“It’s not his cup of tea,” Lum says of Rosenthal’s reaction to the band’s shift in sound from “shoegazer,” the ethereal style of feedback- and synth-drenched pop defined by British bands like My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive and the Cocteau Twins, to drum ‘n’ bass. “But we more or less have artistic freedom to do as we please. I guess being the top seller on the label doesn’t hurt us in that,” Lum says with a chuckle.

Continue reading LSD RadioSpy Interview Feature

LSD climbing MP3.com charts

Older Love Spirals Downwards tracks have been climbing the charts on MP3.com! “Delta” (from the 1996 album, Ever) has been #1 on both the Shoegazer and Brit Pop charts all week; it even hit #31 on their Alternative charts for a day. “Sideways Forest (Quantum Remix)” (from the 1996 Sideways Forest CD-single) has been flittering between #1 and #3 on the Trip Hop and Downtempo charts all week, too. Other tracks are also charting high, which is a very good thing, indeed. We really appreciate all the support of our loyal fans and new listeners alike!

Ryan DJ sets on radio & in-person

In support of the release of Temporal, I have some upcoming live DJ’ing events:

Riders of the Plastic Groove, Feb 25th
KUCI 88.9 fm, Irvine, CA.

You can also listen to their station on the internet by going to the KUCI site. I go on from 9pm (PST) to 10:30pm (PST). If you’re in the area do stop by as this will be a remote broadcast on the campus grounds. Check out the Riders site for directions and location. And before DJ’ing, I’ll be doing an interview for KUCI’s Swope Transmissions program at 8 pm.

Club Dervish, March 4th
Long Beach

Held at Portfolio Cafe, 2300 E. 4th Street, (at Junipero). This is always a fun time in a chill atmosphere, so come on down, have some coffee and enjoy the tunes! I’ll be on from 9pm to 10:30.

And later in April and May, I’ll be DJ’ing in San Francisco and Los Angeles. I’ll post more about those gigs soon.

Temporal is available now!

Temporal has been released! We want to thank everyone who pre-ordered it at our e-store, and invite the rest of you to come pick up your copy (on sale for $13, including a personally signed band photo) at our e-store.

Several offers for interviews with radio stations, e-zines and magazines are coming in now, as well as a few DJ gigs, so keep checking back here for the particulars. If you are interested in setting something up with me, feel free to send an email.

New Millenium, New CD!

HAPPY NEW MILLENIUM to everyone! Hope you had a great holiday season!

We’re starting out 2000 with the release of Temporal, a collection of songs spanning the 8 year history of the band. From the acoustic beginnings to the present electronica/drum ‘n’ bass sound, this compilation covers the entirety of LSD’s career with 13 tracks selected from our master tapes for your enjoyment. The official Projekt Records release date is January 11th, 2000 — but we are offering Temporal for sale NOW at our e-store for just $13!

I had the opportunity to spin a little at a great B-Sides New Year’s Eve party, which got me excited to get back into DJing. Hopefully I’ll have some new bookings to list here for you real soon, so be sure to check back later.

Band update

It’s certainly been some time since I’ve had a moment to update the news section! Lots of things have been going on for me and the band recently and it’s all kept me quite busy.

First off, I want to mention our brand new and exclusive holiday song, “The Little Drummer Boy,” which is available FREE for your listening pleasure at our e-store. We’ve included both a Real Audio file and mp3 format, so be sure to take a listen (and download it for later enjoyment).

Secondly, I’m sure you’ve noticed the new look of the website; Anji and I have updated it in the style of…. a new LSD album! Yes, Projekt will be releasing a full-length album this coming new year. Entitled Temporal, it features music from points covering our entire career, including 6 tracks which have never appeared on any Love Spirals Downwards albums.

And lastly, our e-store has been updated with a few more audio samples, so feel free to browse those, and be sure to take advantage of our special holiday sale to pick up any missing LSD albums in your collection.

Lovespirals.com e-store launches

Today is the launch of our new e-store! To kick off the opening of the store, we’ve put all four full-length albums on sale, including an extra special offer for the latest album, Flux. The first 50 customers will receive an autographed sticker for Flux, and the first 3 customers will also get a free copy of the Sideways Forest CD-single.The e-store will be offering additional Love Spirals Downwards merchandise and recordings in the weeks and months to come, most notably an exclusive live album, available only through the website e-store. Many fans have expressed interest in our live performances, so this is an exciting chance to bring that experience to you all.

Besides offering merchandise, the e-store also doubles as an audio file area, where you can listen to Real Audio File samples from every Love Spirals Downwards album.

New collaborator, songs & radio appearance

Hello! This has probably been the longest gap in which I haven’t updated the news. I’ve been traveling a bit this summer, both for business and pleasure. It was great to take a vacation or two (though I kinda wish I hadn’t taken that one to Las Vegas now…)

Lots has been happening for the band during the past few months. Right now several new tracks are being recorded, with the vocals of my new collaborator, Anji Bee. Hopefully some of these will be released sometime soon! And we’re looking forward to the September launch of our online secure e-store here on the site. The e-store will feature Love Spirals Downwards albums and exclusive releases unavailable elsewhere. Stay tuned for the kick off the e-store!

On Thursday August 5, I will be Anji’s guest on The All Purpose Nuclear Bedtime Story from 9pm to 11pm, on KUCI 88.9fm in Southern California. For those of you outside of its broadcasting area, you can listen to KUCI on the net 24 hours a day at www.kuci.org. I’ll be playing songs that have influenced me musically throughout my life.

Ethereal Chillout Music