New Reviews and Free Holiday Downloads

Check out the Reviews page to read the first 2 reviews of Free & Easy from All Music Guide and Music Tap.

Lovespirals’ 2001 recording of John Denver’s Christmas classic, “Aspenglow,” is now available for free download on their MySpace page. Love Spirals Downwards’ 1997 recording of the Dr. Seuss classic, “Welcome Christmas,” from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, is now available for free download on their brand new MySpace page. Both tracks are included on Projekt Records’ Excelsis Boxed Set.

DJ Nightmare

No, that’s not my new DJ name, though it would be a cool one!

Man, I actually woke myself up saying, “I can’t find the records fast enough” in my sleep last night. I was dreaming about being at a rinky dink radio station and having the DJ ask me to take over suddenly without explaining the setup to me. They were using a crappy all-in-one stereo with only one turntable, so I couldn’t figure out how to switch records smoothly for segues, and the mic system was hard to figure out as well, so I was just making a mess of things. Then I couldn’t find where they kept the vinyl at, and it was so dark that I couldn’t really see anything. I found what seemed to be a light switch, but when I flipped it on, nothing happened – ala Waking Life. (Do you think it’s really true that you can’t turn a light on in dreams?)

So, anyway, the first song was ending and I was digging through a cabinet of badly filed 45s, and somehow came accross a magazine with a flexi disc in it (boy does that give away my age!) so I ripped it out and threw it on the turntable only to hear “Hey Ya” come on really loud! The other DJ was sitting on a beatup couch in the station lounge, and I ran out and said, “What do I do? This is supposed to be a jazz station!” thinking that I needed to flip Outkast off mid-song. The DJ replied, “Did you find this record at the station?” I said yes. “Then I guess you can play it,” he surmised. Now, if only that had been the case at KUCI, where all of my DJ anxiety stems from… Isn’t it funny that 6 or 7 years later, I’m still having nightmares about my first experiences as a college radio DJ? Sheesh!

Free & Easy in Hong Kong

International distribution of Lovespirals’ new album will begin soon. CDs are already en route to Monitor, in Hong Kong. Noise Kontrol should follow with distribution throughout Mexico in the next few weeks. The band hopes to tour Mexico sometime in 2006.

Adam Curry's Daily Source Code

I think I’ve been a teensy bit carried away the past month by The Daily Source Code. On the most recent Chillin with Lovespirals, I was about to say, “You know what? I think I could have recorded 2 or 3 podcasts in the time I spent recording, converting, and uploading my audio comments for DSC,” but Ryan cut me off before I finished. Oh well, it’s been really fun contributing to Adam’s show and I have to admit I’ve been flattered by the attention. Ryan’s been teasing about it, but that’s what I get, I guess! But come on, how cool is it that Adam was driving around in his brand new Jaguar while listening to “Abide” and telling the world he wished I was there with him? Oh, and strangely enough, I’ve been laying down the vocals for “Welcome to the Machine” which has the line “He loves to drive his Jaguar” – pronounced in the English way, how Adam says it!

Music Tap's Featured Artist, November 2005

Matt Rowe reviews “Free & Easy”

In a time where there are many flavours and derivations of music, giving listeners a multitude of choices, and allowing for precision of preference, Lovespirals, originally birthed as Love Spirals Downward[s] some years back, has become a provider of experiences.

Lovespirals’ evolutionary path has brought it down the road from gothic shoegazer pop to hypnotically provocative jazz that is, at once, sexy, sultry, and dreamy. Their last album, the transitional Windblown Kiss, provided hints and sneak peeks into the heart of this duo and where they were headed while their latest, Free & Easy, wades deeply into the stream of where they are.

On Free and Easy, the band’s second release with Anji Bee, who possesses a voice of honey, and a natural element that adds colour and flame to songs, exploring realms of intensities in varying degrees, there are 9 songs of jazz-fusion. With original member, Ryan Lum adding stylish guitar and keyboards to permeate the silky fabric of the new album, the lover of jazz in all of its incarnations will be quite entranced.

The album’s opener, “Free & Easy”, begins by exuding an exhilarating blend of heady and dizzying sensuality. Ryan Lum’s instrumental approach is simple and effective, wisely allowing the mood of the song to carry the listener to the album’s first deliberate destination. It’s followed by the sexually tense, “Hand in Hand”, a musically soft ‘in the moment’ tune of the perfection of love. Things pick up with the dance flavoured “Deep In My Soul” carried by a funky rhythm and delivered by Anji’s ‘by now heart pulsing’ voice. The tune is reminiscent of the ’80s brand of music.

“Walk Away” resembles the past of Lovespirals more readily than the other tunes but still underlines a mournful jazz that also resembles Sade. “Habitual” is one of the stronger songs on the album and reveals a melancholy brought on by the rut of sameness. The album’s strongest track, the ‘saved the best for last’ “Sandcastles” is clearly the band’s single. It has all of the elements going for it – lyrics, atmosphere, a brilliant soundtrack, that voice – that should alert a sleepy public to the dream-dripping gorgeousness of Lovespirals.

Lovespirals already showcases all of the reasons that they should be this period’s hip duo. What remains is for you to discover why I said it.

Podcast VS songwriting

Another week, still no podcast, I know… It happened again that when we found ourselves in the studio together, we were writing new music! It’s been great fun, and very productive towards our next album. I think I’ve counted 6 songs in the works right now, if I’m not mistaken. But the podcast is suffering. Yes. Hopefully over the weekend we can both get in there and do a podcast together. Sorry to keep ya’ll waiting.

Podcast late

Sorry we’ve been lagging on making a new podcast. Every time we’ve been in the studio together it’s to record music, not podcasts. Then I’ve been recording audio feedback for Daily Source Code, which has been fun, but is more time consuming that I thought it would be. I’m thinking about including some of Adam’s funny comments in our next podcast. Anyway, maybe somehow Ryan and I can take some time this weekend to do another podcast, but I can’t make any promises. I’ve resisted doing one without him, coz it just wouldn’t be the same by myself.

More site changes

Sent out a new subscriber email yesterday announcing all our new stuff. Now we’ve got an official webstore on the site that doubles as a brief discography. Figured it was high time we sold our own CDs here. We’re also offering the promotional poster for the new album. Of course, somebody had already ordered one when I checked this morning. We weren’t asking enough money to cover the shipping and postage, unfortunately. I don’t want to make any money on the poster, I just don’t want to lose money on it. Anyway. What else?

Oh yeah, so we finally have tracklistings for our CDs, which was totally missing before. Also created an mp3 page at long last, where you can download a few tracks directly from us, rather than going to MySpace or wherever. Hopefully our bandwidth can take it! Lots of little tweaks here and there, but that’s the main gist of it. It’s funny how much time and thought it can take to get something just right. I’m sure half the people that visit won’t really notice the changes, but Ryan and I sure do. Anyway, props to Ryan for the great webstore!

iTunes Offering 'Free & Easy'

Apple iTunes is now offering Free & Easy for purchase. The sound files sound really good and the artwork looks great. The only bummer is that they listed it as a “partial album” and aren’t offering a whole CD download price. WTF? This album is 30 seconds longer than the last one, and they didn’t list that as a “partial album.” Could it be because its only 9 tracks? Windblown Kiss had 10; maybe that’s the minimum? I dunno… Perhaps I should just contact someone and see if we can alter that in the entry. We can’t be the only folks in the world making 9 song albums. They are 9 rather long songs, after all.

Lovespirals New CD Out Now!

Lovespirals’ brand new CD, Free & Easy, was officially released
November 1st on the band’s own Chillcuts Records, with US distribution through Metropolis and Projekt Darkwave. The album is also available through Amazon, CDBaby, Auralgasms, and Isotank — as well as Lovespirals’ webstore. Ryan and Anji will personally autograph every CD bought directly from the band as a special thanks to fans for their support. For those who prefer digital downloads, Free & Easy is also on iTunes.

Ethereal Chillout Music