I've Been Thinking

Every time I tune in to Pandora, they play “I’ve Been Thinking” by Handsome Boy Modeling School. I think it’s my new theme song. I had heard the name of the band before, but I don’t think I ever heard their music. I like this track, though. Guess I’ll have to check out more. “Slide, slide, slippety slide…”

Ah… that’s Cat Power on vox. Interesting. What a confusing band! They released 3 versions of the CD; explicit, clean, and instrumental. Sheesh! I think I was hearing the clean version of that one song, not sure what the filthy part would be, if any? “Sunshine” and “The Truth” also seems like cool tunes, but most of what I heard was too Hip Hop for my tastes.

My Debut on Atmosphere 69

Well, I guess the first episode of Atmosphere69 with myself as guest hostess should have played last night on Mix 96 fm, in Canada. I’m looking forward to checking out the stream on Luxuria Music. Doron told me that’s his favorite Internet radio station and was impressed that I’m doing a show for them, which is very cool!

Actually, Doron pointed out to me last time we hung out that I seem to know a heck of a lot more than the average person about cool musical resources on the Internet. He was saying I could teach classes to folks about how to get their music out via the Internet. Not sure when I’d have time for such things, but it does give me one idea, should I choose to pursue it. Hmm…

Oh, but back to A69! I just finished wrapping up my voice overs for the next installment, along with a few promos for the show. Not sure how I’ll do the one after this, since I’ll be out of town for a few days. We’ll see!

Anji's Earthlink Ad Finalist

Woo hoo! My host endorsement for Earthlink has been chosen as a finalist entry in the Podshow Ad Challenge. (I’m Finalist #8) Not only do I win a cash prize (stoked) but my ad will be played in a network wide promotion for EarthLink. Pretty cool. I’m also eligible to win the Grand Prize, which would be awesome, but I figure somebody with a fancier production will get that. I’m just amazed to be a finalist. Anyway, keep your ears open for my ad, which features a bit of music by Lovespirals, of course…

I’m part of the second round of ads, so it’s not up on the site yet, but hopefully will be added soon at adchallenge.podshow.com.

Chillin Podcast 1 Year Anniversary

At long last, we posted up another episode of our band podcast, “Chillin’ with Lovespirals”. You can find it here on the Lovespirals site. I realized that we totally missed the opportunity to celebrate our one year anniversary on June 27th — despite the fact the we made a podcast the night before… Just goes to show how frazzled we’ve been recently…

Chillin’ with Lovespirals Episode 21

Ryan and Anji announce the 1 yr anniversary of the band podcast (a month late), share some So Cal heatwave survival tips, review several recent films, discuss the licensing of their music on TV and cable for fitness related shows, chat about LaLa.com, read fan email, and more!

Additional Links:

Chillin’ with Lovespirals Episode 21

Chillin with Lovespirals logo
The band announce the 1 yr anniversary of the podcast (a month late), share some So Cal heatwave survival tips, review several recent films, discuss the licensing of their music on TV and cable for fitness related shows, chat about LaLa.com, read fan email, and more

Additional Links:


Podshow+ support

Forgot to mention that the Chillin with Lovespirals show is listed on Podshow+ now. By the way, it would be really cool if everyone who listens to The Chillcast would go and show some support for me on Podshow by joining as a listener and adding the show as a favorite. I could use all the reviews, comments, etc I can get! I kinda feel outnumbered as a non rock’n’roll podcast on the network. I want Podshow to realize that folks apreciate variety in their music podcasts, and I hope to attract more non-rock and punk bands to the Podsafe Music Network. Plus I’d like to prove that girl podcasters do not have to show their boobs to gain listenership.

My listership has been growing steadily, and I’m really happy to have met my first goal this month, but I have a long way to go to really compete with the shows that get the most promotion. If you enjoy my podcast — please tell a friend about it! Post a link on your blog, play my show promo on your podcast, or even just mention me on your podcast. I never ask anyone to vote for me on Podcast Alley or wherever, and I’ve been fairly content with word-of-mouth promotions because I hate to be pushy and in-your-face about my art, but I could really use a push now that Podshow has gone live! So, if you love what I do, please help to ensure that I don’t remain an undiscovered gem of the podosphere!

Thanks to everyone who has already played my promo, linked to my site, or played my songs – be they Lovespirals or Anji Bee songs. I really, truly appreciate the support more than you know.

The Chillcast 30 sec promo

Podshow+ launched

Mr. Curry finally got his Podshow+ service launched this week and now The Chillcast is hosted directly on their site. Apparently all of my data from the original blog is completely gone. The only thing I’m really sad about is that I didn’t back up all my blog entries elsewhere, as I used to do with LiveJournal. 🙁 I guess I have the podcast entries copied over to MySpace, but not the plain text ones, such as the CD reviews. 🙁

I picked up thechillcast.com this week and it now points directly to my Podshow page, so that’s cool.

I’m quite surprised that Chillin’ with Lovespirals isn’t one of the shows being listed on the site. I saw Tea with Hungry Lucy; maybe I’ll ask War-n if he actually created an account and uploaded it himself, or whether the feed was just added like Diggnation and stuff? Although I have The Chillcast signed up with Podshow, I wanted to keep the band one independent. I think everyone is too busy over there to discuss it right now.

Chillcast site hosed

Turns out my Podshow guy was at the hospital having his baby delivered, so that more than explains why he didn’t reply. 🙂 Luckily, one of my listeners and a fellow Podshow podcaster was around today for me to talk to. Though he hasn’t been able to solve my problem, at least he walked me around enough to discover the actual problem.

My site is hosed. Yes, all of my content is missing from the server. From the WordPress theme, to the stylesheets, to the images, to the mp3s — everything is gone. He doesn’t have any idea how or why that happened, and neither do I. The fact is, though, that the shit is gone.Obviously, I do have backups of much of this stuff, though there are also a few things I uploaded on the fly and didn’t think to make hard drive backups.

I’m wondering if I should just take this as a sign from above that I should just let it go? Maybe I should just move on and try not to look back?

I understand that the Podshow+ site is growing more robust every day – heck, every hour – so perhaps I should just embrace that as my home site and forget trying to ressurrect the dead WordPress. I guess, just stay tuned for future announcements.

At least I can still log in to make blog posts so that my show is getting out to the world. I just put up the Sirius special as a test, and it is already up on iTunes, so I’ll take that!

Ethereal Chillout Music