new computer blues

no, i didn’t make a blues song with my new computer. we’ll actually i did sort of. on the latest song we’re recording, i turned the mac mini into a virtual minimoog synthesizer and recorded what i was playing manually via a usb keyboard right into protools. but what i’m really talking about here is how this new computer, which i’ve had just 4 weeks, is already in the shop getting repaired. the hard drive is bad. even the repair person at the apple store seemed really surprised that this would happen on such a new machine.

so i’m back to using old and slow computers in the meantime. at least i can still do basic stuff, like web and email. but no more minimoog in the meantime. i seem to have bad luck when getting computers. the ibook that i’m writing from right now smells like bad body odor because apple used crappy plastic back back in the day.

Chillin’ with Lovespirals Episode 25

In this fun Halloween episode the band chat about the evils of CRT monitors and B.O. iBooks, their scary LA Day of the Dead trip to visit Joyce Burstein where Ryan discovers the magic of Huichol yarn paintings, plus band news, listener feedback and more!

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Help Save the World

This is Ryan here. I’m not know for my political views but I believe having a clean planet to live on when I’m old transcends politics. Next Tuesday, Californian’s have an opportunity to help save the world by voting yes on Proposition 87, which taxes oil drilling companies here and uses that money to help fund research into alternative energy resources. I’ve been doing what I can to help spread the word. It’s really pissing me off how the oil companies have spent millions on television advertisements and basically telling complete lies to try to scare people so that they won’t vote for this.

Hopefully I won’t have to wait more than another year or two to get an ethanol/flex-fuel car that can run on either ethanol or regular petroleum based gas. ethanol fuel already costs a lot less than gasoline and pollutes way less than gasoline. The real beauty is that all of our nation’s ethanol needs can be met by our farmers, so no more sending billions of dollars overseas everyday to fund questionable governments and terrorists. Basically, if a few countries stopped supplying us oil, our economy would come to a halt. Scary.

I recommend reading this blog which is written by an expert, leader, and investor in this new eco-friendly future.

Ugh, I can’t believe I’ve been putting off creating a site for myself for so long… I used to have an site a few years ago, but the coding was all mid-90’s and the info was out of date. Come to think of it, I based the current LSD site on my old code… Another site that needs overhauling! Anyway, rather than polish a turd, as they say, I just took my site down and have been waiting to work on it “when I have time.” Seems to me that day will never come, so I need to just *make* some time for it. I decided to do a blog, rather than a standard site like, since most of my content will likely be podcast and vidcast related. I figure folks can subscribe to the whole site feed, if they like.

I honestly am not in the mood to design a site right now and have no idea what I want it to look like. I know what I want it to do, but the rest is a giant question mark. It is impossible to create something that you can’t imagine! And I feel like I should be working on so many other projects that I’m having trouble concentrating on site design. It’s times like this I wish that I didn’t do everything personally… Its hard trying to be good at a million different things and its exhausting! I need a staff of experts that want to work for me out of the kindness of their hearts. 🙂 Well, a girl can dream…

I finally got a new computer!

i’ve been a very bad blogger here. part of it was due to my primitive computer setup which didn’t make doing a lot of computing things fun or easy. i’ve got my main music making computer: an apple g4 tower with protools hardware. i see myself keeping that for a while still, but it’s not an ideal computer for daily net cruising for various reasons, one of which is that it can never go into sleep mode due to the protools cards not being energy star compliant.

so my awesome new computer also happens to be appple’s least expensive computer (sort of): the mac mini. the reason i say sort of is that i maxed it out with 2 gigs of ram. it’s replacing a slow apple ibook (circa 2001/2002) and a compaq desktop pc (circa 1999/2000). this little computer is cool. first, it’s about 1/20’th the size of the pc. and now that macs use intels, i’m able to run windows simultaneously with osx using a nifty program called parallels. so the pc is destined for the local electronics recycling center soon.

Gathering and Sorting

Life honestly seems to be a constant process of gathering and sorting. So much of my time is devoted to activity. Sometimes I think I should be more classically Buddhist by trying to not own things. I’m not even always aware that I’m collecting things until I notice that I need to organize them or discard them. My house is so tiny that it can’t fit many things in the first place, so just a few things can really make it seem crowded or messy. I’m at a point now where I look around and see small stacks piling up here and there which drives me crazy. I’ve been listing many CDs on just recently, but of course, more CDs come back to me… So my large stack of unwanted CDs will be replaced with a large stack of wanted ones. Which is better, I suppose. I’m stil in the process of digitizing my whole CD collection, which is pretty time consuming. I made smaller bit rate files of many songs back in the early mp3 days, so I’m trying to replace those with 320 aacs now. Plus I’m adding in the artwork, too. Gathering and sorting. Oh, and deleting.

Chillin’ with Lovespirals Episode 23

Ryan and Anji hop back in the saddle for a retooled post-PME extravaganza! The band talk about how they almost missed the big podcasting expo because of Bones, discuss recent song placements on TV, talk about Audio Scrobbler and how it works with both Last.FM and iTunes, John Mayer, getting back in touch with Jennifer Ryan Fuller, upcoming 2007 releases and more! Lovespirals have a funky new outro and a more pro intro this time around, what do you think?

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PPME 2006

Ryan and I went down to Ontario for the Podcast & Portable Media Expo, but ended up spending most of our time at the PodShow UnExpo2! Originally we thought we’d just go up Friday to check it out, but we decided to go back on Sunday, too, to hang out poolside with my PodShow homies and take part in the live PodShow Music Rewind recording session. You can actually check that out over at — episode #45. Ryan and I come in next to last on the show, though you do hear me laughing or yelling in the background from time to time. Ha ha!

I also did video interviews with Cali Lewis, of GeekBriefTV, and the Rumor Girls, so when I see those go up, I’ll link to them here — probably in the news section. Posed for photos here and there, including a great one with 6 other women PodShow podcasters taken by Frank of Media Artist Secrets.

5th New Song

We’re nearly done with our fifth new song, called “Nocturnal Daze”. We originally came up with the idea back in November but just returned to it last week. Unlike the last song, we didn’t have really strong ideas about the arrangement before going in to record it, so we started simply with the acoustic guitar and vocals of the demo and then let the ideas flow in around it. Ryan decided to play Rhodes throughout the tune, which ended up giving it a bit of a Zero 7/Air feel. I likened the sound to “Trip Hop without the beats.” Anyway, at first Ryan was just going to play his electric guitar at the end, but I had imagined it going in and out of the whole song, so he gave it a shot last night and we both liked the results. The song fits really well with the other 4 completed tunes and once again I am struck by how nicely the album is coming together.

Ethereal Chillout Music