Anji Bee guests on new Moosefrog EP

Adrift EP Anji contributed vocals and lyrics to two tracks on the latest Moosefrog EP, Adrift, on the Creative Commons based label, Lo-Kiwi. The entire 7-song release – including Anji’s tracks “New Life” and “En La Oscuridad” – are available for free download in zip file or individual mp3 format, and both podcasters and Internet radio DJs are more than welcome to include the songs in their playlists.


Listen to “New Life (ft. Anji Bee)” from Adrift (2007 Lo-Kiwi)

Apple iDay

Even here, in the somewhat technologically backward Long Beach California, there was a queue of about 20 people at our main AT&T store. I should point out that even though this is the 5’th largest city in California, there are no Apple stores within 20 miles. That alone should prove my point of us being a little behind here. So that’s why people were forced to line up in front of the AT&T store. Since the line wasn’t too bad, I was extremely tempted to take a spot in line. However, while shopping in the Rite-aid just minutes before, I heard an old James Taylor song, reminding me that I need a Martin dx1 acoustic guitar much more than I need an iPhone.

Chillin’ with Lovespirals 36: John Mayer Review

Big update on the upcoming 3rd Lovespirals CD, Long Way From Home, including a clip of the completed 10th track, “Motherless Child” on Podsafe Music Network, Daily Source Code, and Accident Hash, lots about the John Mayer concert at the Hollywood Bowl, Lovespirals on Facebook and other web 2.0 sites, Anji’s upcoming Levinhurst feature and more!

"Motherless Child" on Podsafe Music Network

Lovespirals’ version of the classic anonymous American blues spiritual, “Motherless Child,” is now available on the Podsafe Music Network. Podcasters may download and play the song on their podcasts for free, and listeners may stream the song for free, or download it for $.99. This is the first single from the band’s upcoming new CD, Long Way From Home, due out in October. The song made it’s podosphere debut on the Lovespirals Artist Spotlight for Unwind with Anji Bee, and PodShow founder, Adam Curry, closed out today’s Daily Source Code Episode #612 with it. Remixes by various bands will be coming soon…


Listen to “Motherless Child” from Long Way From Home (2007 Chillcuts)

Chillin’ with Lovespirals #35: Mr Stoked

Ryan and Anji return with plenty of band news including a plug for the Unwind Lovespirals/Love Spirals Downwards Spotlight, remixes of “Motherless Child” from our upcoming new album, a newly podsafe remix of “Walk Away”, and potential live shows, plus an explanation of our studio band VS performing band predicament, and news of our future recording studio. PLUS we share a clip from the brand new MoShang “No Place Like Home” Mix of “Motherless Child.” Don’t miss it!

Unwind Lovespirals/Love Spirals Downwards Spotlight

This week’s episode of Unwind with Anji Bee is a half-hour feature on Lovespirals, and its earlier incarnation, Love Spirals Downwards. Band founder, Ryan Lum, joins show hostess and Lovespirals vocalist, Anji Bee, in-studio to discuss the band’s 16 year history during one of the most revolutionary periods in music. From 8 track cassette to digital recording, indie record label success to totally indie self-release, fanzine and college radio to website and podcasts – we talk a bit about all the changes the band has experienced. We also premier a brand new track from our upcoming album!


  1. “Amarillo” Love Spirals Downwards Ever (1996)
  2. “Love’s Labours Lost” Love Spirals Downwards Idylls (1992)
  3. “Subsequently” Love Spirals Downwards Ardor (1994)
  4. “Windblown Kiss” Lovespirals Windblown Kiss (2002)
  5. “Our Nights” Lovespirals Windblown Kiss (2002)
  6. “Sandcastles (Podsafe Edit)” Lovespirals Free & Easy (2005)
  7. “Abide” Lovespirals Free & Easy (2005)
  8. “Motherless Child” Lovespirals Long Way From Home (Oct. 2007)
  9. “Unwind Theme Song” Lovespirals Unwind Podcast (2007) Free Mp3
Be sure to check out the band podcast, Chillin’ with Lovespirals!

Anji Interviewed on Shameless Plugcast #2


Anji is the special guest on today’s Shameless Plugcast, being interviewed by show host, Zack Daggy, about Lovespirals, vocal influences, podcasting, vidcasting, radio DJing, The Chillcast, Unwind, Lovely Ladies et al, plus a listener question from Ed Ovett, of Ed’s Mixed Bag Podcast.

Hot Hot Hot

Man today was a scorcher! Here in Long Beach, less than a mile from the ocean, it was well over 90. I read that even San Francsico was in the 90’s. I’m a little scared that this may be an indicator of what this summer may bring. Last summer, particularly July, was the worst. Around 3 in the afternoon, my shade protected house would get way too hot to bear then. I’d take refuge in a movie theater or bookstore. It was next to impossible to get any music done. Music gear gets too hot and can overheat, unless you have air conditioning which most buildings here do not have since the weather here has been mild for most of its history. Climate change is real. Today when it became too hot, Anji and I had some pie and ice cream at a local pie centric restaurant, all of which had a positive chilling effect. The weather should get back to closer to normal over the next few days; more reason to get our album completed, which it pretty much is.

Chillin' with Lovespirals #34

Ryan and Anji jump back into the band podcast with breaking news of the HD-DVD controversy, which has further evolved since recording this, plus the band give you an update on the new Lovespirals CD, ask listeners for advice on the new album title, announce potential future gigs, share gnome news, read an awesome fan email from Juan, debate album posters VS postcards, and share a clip from the now infamous new song #9 aka “Treading the Water.” Don’t miss this jam packed episode!

Chillin’ with Lovespirals 33: Hat Tippin’

Ryan and Anji rant about taxes, tip their hat to Amazon Advantage, rant more about Wikipedia, put in their 2 cents on the iTunes EMI announcement, explain Twitter, Tweetbar, TwitterVision, Twitteritas and the connection between Twitter and Second Life, share some recent music placements, give you an update on the upcoming Lovespirals album, and share the theme song for Anji’s new podcast, Unwind, written by Lovespirals.

CC Chapman, Ladies Man
Twitteritas hanging with C.C. at Crayon in Second Life

Lovespirals 3rd CD Due in 2007!

Anji and Ryan are currently recording music for their upcoming 3rd album to be released later this year. Tentatively titled, Long Way From Home, the album futher explores Lovespirals’ unique brand of blues, folk, and jazz influenced dream pop — more akin to the band’s debut 2002 release, Windblown Kiss, than their electronica focused 2005 CD, Free & Easy. Discussions are underway as to whether the band will self-release on their own Chillcuts label or partner up with an indie label for a co-release. Either way, Lovespirals intend to make music available for podcasters, music bloggers, and internet radio as they have done with all previous releases.

Stay tuned to – particularly to the band podcast, Chillin’ with Lovespirals – for developing details!

Ethereal Chillout Music