Sent out a new subscriber email yesterday announcing all our new stuff. Now we’ve got an official webstore on the site that doubles as a brief discography. Figured it was high time we sold our own CDs here. We’re also offering the promotional poster for the new album. Of course, somebody had already ordered one when I checked this morning. We weren’t asking enough money to cover the shipping and postage, unfortunately. I don’t want to make any money on the poster, I just don’t want to lose money on it. Anyway. What else?
Oh yeah, so we finally have tracklistings for our CDs, which was totally missing before. Also created an mp3 page at long last, where you can download a few tracks directly from us, rather than going to MySpace or wherever. Hopefully our bandwidth can take it! Lots of little tweaks here and there, but that’s the main gist of it. It’s funny how much time and thought it can take to get something just right. I’m sure half the people that visit won’t really notice the changes, but Ryan and I sure do. Anyway, props to Ryan for the great webstore!